Search Results (19)

Teaching in the Digital Age

When it comes to teaching in the digital age, my students have more knowledge about it because they use it more than I do.  I guess I would be considered a digital immigrant because I have learned how to use technology just to be successful in today’s world.  Since students are using different types of technology, why not let them use it in the classroom so that learning will be fun and to keep them engaged in learning.

     After watching, “Vision of Students Today”, I wasn’t shocked with… Continue

Added by Teresa Swan on July 19, 2013 at 3:04pm — No Comments

Technology Savvy Students

Students in today’s classes are more capable of using technology than any students in the past. Is this a good thing? Should we as teachers modify our classes to address their capabilities? I would consider myself a digital immigrant. I am capable of using most technology if given a bit of time to figure it out. But I am fully aware that most students are more capable than I am. Should I alter what I do to address the student’s strengths? If I do that I'm not teaching to my strengths. There are… Continue

Added by Randy on February 5, 2009 at 5:22pm — No Comments

Unit 2-Immigrant or Native

Loved, loved, loved the videos. They are a true representation of the world we live in and shows that if we keep doing the same things over and over, we will keep getting the same results. So must there be change? Yes! So yes, I am an immigrant but I am learning from the natives. I am trying to lose my accent! The students we teach today are by far "different" from those we taught even ten years ago. My children are not even natives, but my grandchildren are. My three and five year old…


Added by Cassie Gorman on July 17, 2012 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Somewhere In The Middle..

Am I a digital immigrant or a native?  After reading the literature for this week’s class and viewing the videos, I am confident that I am neither.  While I have no problem creating word documents, navigating the internet, and using e-mail (even with attachments!), there are still many aspects of technology I have to learn.  My work at school involves a lot of technology (PowerPoint, document camera, Internet), but I realize that I do not require even that much from my students.  If I want…


Added by Courtney Domoney on July 21, 2013 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Technology in the classroom? WHAT???!!

After watching the videos it reminded me of a discussion I had the other day with a student about the way they study best.  It was interesting to find out they have to listen to music to focus.  I learn the complete opposite way where I need complete silence.  However, our school systems usually forbid the use of electronics in the classroom. However, there are many times when students are in class and have to read or write assignment.  Many times when they are doing nothing because…


Added by Juli Watson on March 30, 2013 at 4:42pm — No Comments

My transformation from non-tech to tech

Not too long ago if you asked me my opinions about teaching chemistry with computers my reply would have gone something like this: If you want kids to learn chemistry, the most effective and efficient way to accomplish this is with paper, a pencil, a calculator and lots of time to sit and work on problems. It’s not that I was anti-technology, I just didn’t see what the benefit was to using computers in the classroom. The irony of this story is that in my school, barring a small handful of…


Added by Tom Hanninen on April 1, 2012 at 9:50am — No Comments

"Everyone is a Media Outlet"

I think Shirky's use of Ivanna's phone story brings up interesting ethical and relational questions. He notes, "the willingness of humans to feel wronged is infinite. Do we want a world where, whenever someone with this kind of leverage gets riled up, they can unilaterally reset the priorities of the local police department?" We know some of our students can quickly feel an injustice has occurred (maybe a lower grade than expected, or a not making a team) and feel passionate about righting…


Added by Cindy Kraft on March 23, 2010 at 6:54pm — 2 Comments

Can we change educational resources?

Remember when you used to go out and buy an album for that one song you loved? You had to pay a fortune for "Smoke on the Water" and "Space Truckn" but really never listened to the rest of Machine Head (forgive me, those of you who would get a reference to Thriller but not Aqua Lung). Technology changed that and now I can download or even "share" music at a fraction of the cost. People are still creating music and people are still buying it, it's just more efficient.

For the most… Continue

Added by Dan de Souza on April 27, 2010 at 5:45pm — No Comments

Technology is Changing the Way We Teach | Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

Last week's Blogger of the Week, Cyndi Danner-Kuhn, took some time out of teaching and blogging to reflect on her love of learning and technology tools in an interview. To learn more about Cyndi Danner-Kuhn's blog Technology Bits, Bytes, and Nibbles: News, Tips, Tricks & Resources… Continue

Added by Amanda Kenuam on April 12, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

Unit 2 Assignment- Building a Learning Community

I enjoyed reading the articles and watching the videos for this week’s assignment.  I think it’s interesting to learn about how much education has changed over the years.  Education needs to change because our students change. The way our students learn change over the years for several reasons, but the main reason is technology. Technology is constantly changing and improving there for it is our job as educators to keep up with technology so we are teaching our students in a way they…


Added by Sarah Bryan on July 21, 2013 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Unit 2 Assignment- Building a Learning Community

I enjoyed reading the articles and watching the videos for this week’s assignment.  I think it’s interesting to learn about how much education has changed over the years.  Education needs to change because our students change. The way our students learn change over the years for several reasons, but the main reason is technology. Technology is constantly changing and improving there for it is our job as educators to keep up with technology so we are teaching our students in a way they…


Added by Sarah Bryan on July 21, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Digital Learners

              As I read the article by Prensky, I found it very difficult to decide if I was a Digital native or immigrant.  I grew up on the cusp of the digital age.  I felt like I was always one step behind the digital wave, so if I'm a native it is just barely.  This gives me the advantage over some of my colleagues who still are having trouble turning on their computers much less locating a website and writing a blog.  However, I am leaps and bounds behind my students who teach me…


Added by Melissa McCarty on May 29, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

A Digital Immigrant's Story

When I began teaching in 1980, my students were growing up essentially the same way I had. They had never seen a computer, mobile phones were attached to cars and there were 4 channels on TV, with limited children’s programming. Over the course of my career as a teacher, I have watched changes happen in my students that can only be explained by advancing technology and media. My first classes enjoyed listening to read-alouds from chapter books and generally had long attention spans, even in… Continue

Added by Shari Edwards on February 1, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

Digital Age-Are we stifling our students with the lack of technology we know and use?

"Are we stifling our students with the lack of technology we know and use?" Many of our students know how to use much more technology than we do. Technology has changed so much since I was in high school. I remember when I took computer programming and we wrote programs for huge computers. The teacher was the only one who actually ran the computers that we wrote the programs for. Today, many of our students could teach us a thing or two about computers.

In the article, “Digital… Continue

Added by Michelle on February 4, 2009 at 7:26pm — No Comments

Personal philosophy of education

Educators have a challenge we have never faced before… prepare students to be able to find solutions for problems that don’t even exist yet. Prepare them to be able to use technologies that are changing and evolving exponentially every day.

The concept that technical information is being replaced every two years is staggering. For students that enter a four year technical field of study; what they learn and have interacted with by the end of their sophomore year will be outdated by… Continue

Added by Joe Sherwood on March 7, 2008 at 9:26am — No Comments

Teaching in the Digital Age

Teaching in the Digital Age is exciting.  Finding new ways to teach, connect, and help students grow is a challenge we, as educators, are starting to realize.  Collaborating and networking are becoming essential skills for educators.

In the article, “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants” by Marc Prensky, I learned that I am a digital immigrant.  I did not grow up immersed in technology.  I do think, as an immigrant, I have been adapting pretty well.  Immigrants are pretty accepting of…


Added by Amanda Fogelman on January 14, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Teaching in the digital age!

I have learned that I am and immigrant. There is a whole world out there that I have not explored, but so far in this class I am seeing it for the first time. There is so much that teachers can use from other teachers. Using this site, I have found new friends and they have responded to a lot of my questions. I have created a Facebook account, join delicious, made a wiki, and much more. Teachers must learn this new technology if we want to teacher our students the tools they need for the new… Continue

Added by Brett Mohr on February 8, 2009 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Standing Between Students and Technology recently published a report that glorified the work of Sugata Mitra, a computer scientist who discovered a supposedly-powerful new way of learning. The article is worth reading, but here's the gist of his teaching method:

"He selected a small group of 10- to 14-year-olds and told them there was some interesting stuff on the computer, and might they take a look? Then he applied his new…


Added by Joseph Waarvik on October 29, 2013 at 1:53pm — 3 Comments

Building a Learning Community

So much of this reading and information was familiar to me.  Teaching in a school that has a one-to-one laptop initiative, our district is working to merge the "'Legacy' content and 'Future' content" in our classrooms.  This transition has not been a walk in the park.  There are a large number of staff who are Digital Immigrant with no plans of changing.  Then there are those of us who are Digital Immigrants, but with a desire to bring technology into the classroom.

As a…


Added by Leslie Simons on January 21, 2012 at 7:29pm — No Comments

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