At the beginning of this year, I was supplied with a document camera for my second grade class. In short, I wanted to start this discussion in order to throw around some ideas for using the document camera in a classroom. I have used it in the following ways:
-Making every book a big book...shared reading experience
-students showing and explaining their work (especially in math)
-put a timer underneath the camera for variopus applications
-capture student work
-conduct science experiments with insects
-students sharing writing
-shared writing experiences
-word sorting
-math manipulatives
-discussing and displaying homework

Anyone else?

Tags: assessment, cameras, centers, computer, document, math, reading, science, shared, sharing, More…sorting, stations, student, technology, word, work, writing

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I love this discussion, and I thought the same thing, so I asked my husband make a stand for my web cam so that I could use it for a document camera too. After about 7 tries, we have one that works very well. The clarity of the camera is a huge thing, just like one of the previous posters said. If the image is all blurry, it defeats the purpose. The camera we're using (Logitech 9000) has amazing clarity. When I first compared to the model I already have, the image quality difference was astonishing. Our blog is located here if you want to see how and IF our idea progresses.
The HUE HD webcam comes with base and stand so you don't have to come up with a way to mount it.
That HUE is so cute. How is the image quality? I think it is 1.3 mega pixels, isn't it? Do you find that's enough to see everything clearly? Thanks! -Amy
The image quality does just fine. I teach first grade so the kids are still writing large!! That helps. It's definitely not as good as a document camera, but since we are under a budget crunch I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon (unless I can get a grant!).
I've been looking for an affordable way to have a document camera for my 4th graders. How is the zoom and focus on the Hue? Do you find yourself having to re-focus frequently? Is there a way to zoom, like a zoom button, or do you have to go in through the computer software to do it?

Any input you can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks much!

We just bought all of our teachers a HUE ($20 from K-Mart online). We are a 4-6 grade building and the teachers are using them everyday. We are wanting to get some Elmos but this was a way to get the technology into their hands fast.
Here are some links to two blog posts I have written about visualisers (document cameras), including images and a short presentation about them

I've used them for heart and flower dissections, plus displaying text etc.
Danny, AWESOME posts! I loved the labeled heart pieces. Gross, yet so educational. Thanks for sharing.
thanks! They are great for dissection ;) Especially taking snapshots for revision purposes later. And to get students to label different bits to see what they know/can remember
Hi folks,

I work for the English pathways provider for the university of technology in Sydney, and our college has just invested in 50 visualizers (doc readers) for the English classrooms here. It's pretty sad, but many of the teachers have expressed dismay at overhead projectors being removed from their classrooms, but part of my job is in reskilling them in the use of newers toys. I'm wondering what kind of feedback you've had from staff, particularly in a widespread integration of document readers into a teaching environment.


It seems that you have received a lot of great ideas here. Have you started using your document yet? If yes, how has it gone so far?


student show-and-tell of nature objects, pictures or toys from home, if you do a "star of the week" type of program



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