Make sure you say "hey" and let us know a bit about yourself.

What topics are you looking to possibly collaborate on?

Are you thinking of getting students together, or getting professional discussions going? Or perhaps both...?

I'm all for people lurking a little to see if this is the place for them, but I also truly feel that we make the place what we need it to be!

This journey is ours to create--take us in new directions and new thought processes!

Tags: ProjectBasedLearning, StudentCentered, collaborate, creating, journeys, lurking, sharing

Views: 509


Replies to This Discussion

Susan--I know a lady right in my town who has the same job description as you and she's just joined CR2.0! :)

Otherwise, I think that dotsub sounds like an idea with LOTS of potential! Thank you so much!
Hello All!

My name is Kimberly McCollum and I used to teach secondary school science in Maryland, but now I teach pre-service teachers in Utah. I'm interested in getting students together and in getting professional discussions going. Ideally, I want my students to see the potential of collaborative technology first hand, with real students, but I understand that my since my students are adults, there may be some legal obstacles to that happening. I look forward to participating with this group.
Quite a few months ago I joined this group, but failed to introduce myself, so will do so now and apologize for my tardiness. Hello everyone, I am an information technology teacher in a small P12 rural school in south eastern Australia. Last year we started to work collaboratively and globally on various projects. I teach a broad range of age groups from grades 4 through to year 12. Podcasting, digital storytelling and videoconferencing with skype are my main interest areas, but I love the emerging technologies and all things web2.0 Hope I can work with some of you this year.
We love Skype! One of our 1st grade classrooms is using Skype to include a student who recently had a liver transplant and can't attend. A fourth grade class skyped a Peace Corp volunteer in Africa to ask questions about malaria. I would love to connect and I know I could locate some teachers who would be interested in collaborating with another class using Skype. We do have video capabilities with Skype too.
Hello! I am the Technology Specialist for Trussville City Schools in Trussville, Alabama. I work with 350 teacher to help them plan, use and reflect on technology in education. I am always looking for classrooms who want to collaborate in any way with any of our classrooms.
Hi. I'm Dai.

I teach ICT to 11-18 yr olds in London UK. I would like to have a go at some kind of collaboration with my students aged 11-12 or 12-13, or 16-18. Does anyone teach my subject want to collaborate? Any topic any time any where?

I also work collaboratively with my colleagues across the school so if you want to hook up with a subject specialist then I could use my energy and expertise to concentrate on the organising of times, content, platform etc. Teachers I have in mind are English, History, Geography, French, German, Spanish, Science. Let me know if we can do something together. I think it's important to get the ages of the kids similar and start with something simple.

My school location is: HERE! in Ealing London UK

I teach technology essentials which consists of keyboarding, Office, and 21st Century tools. Is this what you teach? I would love to do some collaborating with you. I am in Trussville, Alabama.
Hi Erin

Thanks for replying.

How old are your students. I'm away on holiday for two weeks now but if they are 11-13 I would be interested in setting something up.

I teach French in an US high school. I have tried to find schools to partner with in a French speaking country but have not had much success. I think it would still be beneficial if we could have a correspondance in French. I'd like to use wikispaces because that's what our students have access to. I'd also like to start with my 16-18 year olds and then perhaps with 14-15 year olds. We could begin by simply using the discussion tab but it could certainly expand by sharing information about our towns and so on. Please let me know if anyone in your school is interested.
Hello, Dai!
I'm a high school English teacher in suburban Chicago, Illinois, USA. I'm just getting into web 2.0, (my blog: and want to wiki my learners w/ other learners on the planet. Check out what we're doing in Speech, Popular Literature, and English 10 (identity issues). Here's where we wiki now: and here's my antiquated web site:

Wouldn't it be cool to partner my 17-18 yr olds in working the Popularity timeline with yours? Isn't there enough there for all? And why stop at one school? It goes wiki-ing out exponentially.

please contact me back and we'll get going!

Hello everyone,

My name is Jamie and I work with a team that is in charge of Mead Map - - the same Mead that makes Trapper Keeper, Five Star notebooks, etc. (I'll make my shameless plug in the appropriate place : )

We've had a lot of great success helping students and teachers facilitate collaboration. I look forward to learning more about the various projects everyone is working on and would like to be able to help in any way possible.
I'm a social studies teacher near Atlanta Georgia and I am building an international collaboration project with other schools. The point of this is to discuss and understand different points of view on current global issues. This will take the form of video introductions, ongoing forums or wikis, and live video collaboration as time-zones allow. We are particularly interested in the view points of non-Americans, but anyone would be welcome. Let me know if you are interested.



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