All Blog Posts Tagged 'literacy' (16)

Visual Literacy: Teaching Students How Video Can Fool the Viewer

One of the most important things we can teach students is to be a critical viewer of visual media. Can we believe everything we see?

My teaching partner and I created a 17-second iMovie:

We then gave students access to the 18 smaller clips from which the movie was…


Added by Janet Abercrombie on September 5, 2011 at 3:00am — 1 Comment


The Chrysalis community learning centers project in Africa has been launched within the framework of the capacity building for the Education For All (EFA) program with the financial and moral support of UNESCO.

The objectives of the project are among others:-

  1. To eliminate redundant costs and pockets of development success and failures from town to town, focusing on the learning needs of a town’s small groups----the by product is learning that is 100% relevant to…

Added by Sir Urom Azubike Urom on July 20, 2011 at 11:44am — No Comments

Radical Ideas at Work in Education: A Response

Today I was accused of being a 'lazy teacher'. Amused, bemused, I asked why. The response, "I walked past your classroom today and your students were just busy talking to one another and you weren't lecturing them. It looked like you were doing nothing." I felt rather thrilled at the characterization.…

Added by Jeff Leppard on May 8, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Free Online Courses in Technology, Health & Safety, and Many Other Subject Areas

ALISON provides free online learning via interactive multimedia for basic and essential workplace and life skills. With registered learners in every country and territory worldwide, ALISON free learning includes, among other subjects, IT Skills,…


Added by Jodie Jones on February 23, 2010 at 3:03pm — No Comments

Technically Speaking

Technological literacy, a broad understanding of the human-designed world and our place in it, is an essential quality for all people who live in the increasingly technology-driven 21st century. This website explains what technological literacy is, why it’s important, and what’s being done to improve it.

Much of the material on the site is adapted from Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More About Technology, the report of the Committee on Technological Literacy.… Continue

Added by Kevin Chilton on November 27, 2009 at 5:48am — No Comments

Is Technology Creating the "Dumbest Generation?"

I enjoyed Clive Thompson’s recent piece on the potential effect technology may have on student literacy. Like many campuses across the country, mine is embroiled in an interesting debate about whether or not today’s technology is making kids… well stupid. Enter stage right "The Dumbest Generation." According to the author, Mark Bauerlein, Web 2.0 technology is distracting our kids and drawing them into an intellectual state of mindless confusion and half-witted thinking. But, is Bauerlein’s… Continue

Added by Shawn Roner on September 1, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments


I'm reading the following for a course I am taking,

schools need to be able to provide high-quality instruction in both word-level and comprehension skills in order to meet the diverse needs of students who continue to struggle with reading in late-elementary, middle, and high school

and it occurs to me that this statement appears perfectly okay. But is it? If literacy is communicating and comprehending using a medium, then isn't… Continue

Added by Durff on July 27, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Investigative Searching 20/10

Dennis O'Connor and I have created a new online course in information forensics for students, teachers and librarians. It's called Investigative Searching 20/10, playing off the metaphor of 'better-than-average' vision. When it comes to locating and evaluating information from the Internet, students (on average without training) score in the 40% range. That means that more often than not, they cannot locate and determine the credibility of the author,… Continue

Added by Carl Heine on July 7, 2009 at 3:05pm — No Comments

Can Wordnik be Used as a Literacy Tool?

The common problem with getting students to turn to dictionaries or similar tools to verify spelling, pronunciation, or simply learn the meaning of a word, is the basic limitations of the experience. When a generation that has grown up participating in and / or leading the creation of narrative online (via their social networks and blogs) is faced with a non-to-low interactive and non-social experience, we can easily predict the outcome: boredom and disinterest, and they will only do it if… Continue

Added by Meg H on June 25, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Year 6 Literacy Ideas

I was emailed over the weekend by a year 6 teacher who wanted some ideas for using ICT with his class, and in particular for literacy.

I set up an Etherpad to collate ideas and threw the question out to my network of Twitter friends. I invited them to visit the Etherpad and add their thoughts.

You can see the results of the collaboration here:… Continue

Added by Danny Nicholson on June 24, 2009 at 3:00am — No Comments

Getting my Year 2 class on the net!

I am very eager to get my class of 24 Year 2 students interacting with the world wide web.

A year 3 teacher is doing wiki's with his class. Although a great idea and tool it would be much too tricky for my class.

A prac teacher I had back in 2007 had a fantastic website solely for his Year 5 class. Its fundamental functions were a blog for each of the thirty students nicely contained within the website itself and a place for their work to be uploaded whether it were… Continue

Added by Mr Maloney on April 15, 2009 at 12:20am — No Comments

Internet Literacy

I am using Alan November's terrific website to review Internet Literacy with my Grade 5 students.
Questions such as...........
How do you find the owner or publisher of a Web site?
What clues in a Web address might indicate you are on a personal Web site?

Here is the link to Alan's Quiz:

Added by Francine Cornelius on March 17, 2009 at 9:41am — No Comments


How do you define literacy? I'm tending to think literacy is the ability

to understand and convey meaning using a…

Added by Durff on December 3, 2008 at 5:14pm — 1 Comment

Book the Time

I'd love to begin a movement that would culminate in the spring called the Book the Time Campaign: getting as many people as we can to read aloud to a child or many children. Then we could have one day, in March or April, that is the culmination of those efforts, with lots of celebration for the importance of reading aloud in a child's life. Would anyone be interested in joining in and figuring out how to make this happen? I love the idea of it being worldwide!!! I could ask my wonderful… Continue

Added by Pam Allyn on November 28, 2008 at 6:54am — 3 Comments

David Warlick at Seattle NSBA T & L Conference

This past week I had the opportunity to attend the Technology and Learning Conference in Seattle. David Warlick gave the keynote address on the last day of the conference. I thought that I would comment on a couple of the points he made during his address. One was his proposal to change the emphasis on education from the the three Rs (Reading, "Riting, and "Rithmatic to the four Es

1. Expose what is true

2. Employ information

3. Express ideas compellingly

4.… Continue

Added by Mary Lou on October 31, 2008 at 10:24pm — No Comments

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