Looking to connect with other schools for a Collaborative Project

Hi, all! I have a number of keen teachers at my school interested in starting some collaborative projects in both English, Social Science and Languages classes at the 9-12 level.

Appleby College is the school and we're based in Oakville, Ontario (Canada). We are looking to connect with schools internationally. If you're interested, please feel free to contact me directly at mhourahine[at]appleby.on.ca or reply to this discussion.


Tags: collaboration, inter-school

Views: 143

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Please join the "Global Lean"

blog at http://globallean.edublogs.org
AND NING http://globallean.ning.com

Give the world a voice in a joyful celebration of diversity!

Thanks! Peggy Sheehy
This is a fabulous idea, Peggy. I've passed it along. Thanks!
I am Shailendra Rathod from vadodara , India.I am teaching chemistry in the IB school,
I am inerested in collaborative project in chemistry or general science . We can design any project to connect the international schools through web technologies.
Shailendra rathod
Hi, Shailendra... Sounds good... Can you send me an email (mhourahine at appleby.on.ca) with your contact info and I will see if any of our science teachers are interested in something? What grade levels do you teach?
Have you looked at ePals (www.epals.com)? Even if you don't use it for secure emailing between students (which I have had great success with), the teacher forums are a good way to connect with teachers and classrooms around the world.
Jonah Salsich
Thanks, Jonah... I checked it out. Looks perfect.
I teach a grade 12 class called Global Technical Communication, and I am also looking for a collaborative partner. I'd love to partner with another teacher and do a dual project....

Hello. My name is Michele Lattanzio and I am a teacher in Pennsauken, New Jersey. I am interested in collaborating with students in English. I am teaching a survey literature course that is genre based. I am open to any type of project.

Thank you,
Michele Lattanzio



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