** TWITTER STATUS UPDATE: The site seems to be running as normal again!

As teachers, educators, students and administrators in education, we need to use a variety of tools to get the job done. Classroom 2.0 Ning Network is one very important (hugely important) tool. But there are more out there that need to be harnessed and exploited in the interest of pedagogy.

I just did a search at Twitter.com (search is a relatively new and powerful feature on Twitter) and only found 3 teachers when "classroom20" was set as the search key work. THREE!!!

So, please let's fix this. Including me ... networking is one (of many) of the most exhilarating uses of Twitter

With Twitter you can:
1. network with others and get immediate responses with sharing ideas and resources
2. use Twitter in a zillion ways with your students to advance learning, higher order thinking skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, creativity skills, etc.)
3. Get SMS cell phone notification from only those "followers" that you give permission to (very useful when working on a special project with a small group of colleagues).

So, here is what we all need to do.

1. Open a twitter account (http://twitter.com) if you yet do not have one (and every person wanting to stay informed and share really should)

2. Be sure to (a.) insert the word classroom20 into your profile bio or (b.) use your classroom20 my page URL in your twitter profile website field (or just http://classroom20.ning.com if you prefer)

Give twitter a day or 2 to index you in their search engines and then VOILA! .. You can enter the key term "classroom20" into the onsite search engine .. then just click "follow" for each person that you want to add to your network.

If you add me (my twitter is "metaweb20" please add me) for example .. then I will receive an email notification ... I use those to see who added me .. and then I usually add them too (if they don't look too weird, hehe).

I use twitter with a large group of edtech and edublogs bloggers and I can assure you that it is a fantastic resource. Many of you here already know this. But, we have had to find each other 1 by 1 by reading blogs and such.

Let's do it. I will run a twitter search in a few more days. It will be interesting to see how many will be there beyond those 3 shown above.

blog: http://franksblog.edublogs.org
twitter: http://twitter.com/metaweb20
article: How to Use Twitter in the Classroom

Tags: microblogging, twitter

Views: 665

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Twitter has been a great professional learning resource. When I first tried it about a year ago, I didn't "get it" at all. Now I'm loving it. You and find me as adinasullivan on Twitter.

As a side note...There have been a lot of commercial and media consultant followers jumping on the Twitter bandwagon. I've just starting protecting my updates because of it.
Just got into the twitter game. Decided to use it to make my ed tech tips blog more interactive. I'll be posting my latest ideas. Feel free to follow and add your insights. I'll post them with the articles and send some credit or link love your way!

Twitter definitely has performance consistency issues but it is another great way to network with people based on professional or personal interest, location, politics, etc.

On Twitter, I am Milw_Mac_Guy

- Jeff Johnson
I see you posted almost a year ago. I'm sure there are a lot more teachers out there connecting. I'm hoping to find some more Spanish/FL teachers to follow.
Great idea. I just updated my Twitter bio to include classroom20. Thanks!
Just getting going on Twitter: http://twitter.com/mhourahine
You can find me under "Technication"
I'm more of an educational technologist than a teacher (and work as Online Learning Specialist at the International Baccalaureate), but anyone who may be interested in more technical things, please feel free to follow me:
For anyone who uses SMART products, we're on Twitter at http://twitter.com/smart_tech. If you have any questions or want some technical support, either message me on CR2.0 or via Twitter.




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