I had the privilege of interviewing Steve Hargadon for an episode of T4 Tips Podcasts. In the interview, we discussed social networking and its utility in education. Rather polished and a great teacher in his own right, Steve did an excellent job in detailing the Classroom 2.0 social network and provided several compelling reasons for teachers everywhere to join in on the conversation.

You may also view the interview here.

Tags: classroom20, networking, podcast, social

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Polished? I honestly don't think anyone has ever called me that before! :) I enjoyed talking with you. Thanks for taking the time--hope it helps some folks.
What a fantastic resource! I look forward to sharing this podcast with my professor who is supervising my inquiry into social/participatory software and teacher professional development. She's learning along with me, and I think your questions and Steve's responses will be helpful to her and others who are trying to wrap their brains around the educational value of social networking. Kudos!
You're looking pretty spiffy--is that your living room?
Home office. :)



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