Or-Tal Kiriati's Comments

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At 12:26pm on December 18, 2010, Diana Laufenberg said…

Hey there -


Thanks for the really good question.  I teach in the humanities and much of the grading is on completion of academic tasks, written/verbal reflection and projects.  At my school we use a common rubric for the large projects which we call benchmarks.


Grading is on learning task completion, willingness to engage in the learning activities and evidence learning.  A large portion of their grade comes from 2-3 large projects given over the course of the quarter and then assessed with a more filled out version of the rubric skeleton I linked to above.


Talk soon,


At 8:02pm on January 7, 2010, Aini Hussien said…
hi there.... would love to share with u on the innovation we have here in singapore.
You can write to me at aini_hussien@moe.edu.sg or find me on skype id :aini_hussien.
At 1:02am on October 23, 2009, Gautham More said…
Excellent and inspiring ideas Or Tal! Nice to meet you! Love the ideas you have shared in the blog!
At 10:40am on June 27, 2009, Neal said…
I reflected on my reply to your games in education thread shortly after posting and found my writing to be overly argumentative. Hence the deletion. Too much arguing using in-game chat maybe. :D

I'll try giving it another shot today.
At 6:59pm on March 19, 2009, Kev said…
I teach 7th. We've started building similar lists with our English and Science teachers. I'll be interested to see how it goes.
At 5:16am on January 2, 2009, Dr.Tamishra Swain said…
Wish You Happy New Year 2009.
At 6:56am on June 4, 2008, Or-Tal Kiriati said…
View my latest blog post on education titled "Walk backwards into the future"
At 7:30am on June 2, 2008, Joaquim Lopes said…
OK, forgot one thing. All the stundents in my school have english as a foreign language but they probably won't be able to participate very actively in the 5th grade (even with the help of the english teacher). But will talk with some of the english teachers and we will study how to participate in your project.
At 7:23am on June 2, 2008, Joaquim Lopes said…
My school has students from the 5th to the 9th grade. I don't know what I will teach next year but probably I will have a fifth grade History class, a seventh grade History class (I hope so...) and ICT and I will also probably continue to be the person responsible for the school's ICT.
At 5:28am on June 2, 2008, Joaquim Lopes said…

I like your idea although next school year I won't have any classes where I will teach portuguese (only History and ICT). So, please tell me how you think I can help you. Anyway I can pass you request for collaboration to other teachers at my school which is located in Setúbal (a small town about 4oKms south of Lisbon).
At 2:19pm on May 29, 2008, Adelina Silva said…
Thanks for contacting me. What exactly do you need? I think your idea, if you can make it work, is a very interesting one.
So if you could detail how can I help, I would be very willing to help you.
At 11:10am on May 28, 2008, Cristiana Mattos Assumpção said…
Hi Or-Tal. I thought the networking-homeworking network is a very interesting idea! I hope it catches on and creates a real community of students truly collaborating. If you need any help in Portuguese, feel free to ask! :-)
At 1:59am on April 30, 2008, Anne Mirtschin said…
Hi Or-Tal and I would love to visit Israel one day as well. You will enjoy discovering all the things that this site has to offer and do come to Australia. I love our country and the freedom that we have. There are so many different geographical regions as well. I live on a farm in SW Victoria and teach at our local school
At 7:39pm on March 24, 2008, Anne Mirtschin said…
Hi Or-Tal, I am Anne from Australia. I teach IT to grades 4-10 and wish to keep in touch via classroom20.com I joined about 9 months ago and it has been a fabulous resource for me and I have gone from strength to strength with web2.0 and its usage in the classroom. I have used global projects in the classroom because of it as well. cr2.0 is one year old today!
At 12:11pm on March 17, 2008, Nancy Bosch said…
Welcome my new friend, my youngest son is coming to Isreal in June to present at a conference.


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