I have been looking at digital tools to help students locate information and present information. This got me thinking about the information overload that I see many of my students experience. There is so much available that often the student just takes the first thing they can find as being fact, rather than sift through all the info to verify the facts. I remember in high school and in college (just on the cusp of the Internet generation), we had to have several sources for a paper. I…
Added by Melanie Weser on September 19, 2010 at 10:41am —
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by Alix E. Peshette
Cross-posted from the Impetuous Geek
No one is reading online content! Yes, that's right, according to a…
Added by Alix E. Peshette on July 27, 2010 at 5:00pm —
I wrote a blog post on how to use the Books feature on Google to find quotes when writing a research paper. I imagined a freshman English class as my target audience. Check out my post at
http://cassinespor.blogspot.com/2010/05/how-to-find-quotes-using-google-books.htmlIf there are any changes or additions you think that I should make, please let me know, either via Classroom2.0 or my blog…
Added by Cassi Nespor on May 20, 2010 at 12:28pm —
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Added by Scott Habeeb on March 11, 2010 at 4:00pm —
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Have you ever experienced problems in writing your college essays, university term papers, research papers or
dissertations? Have you ever needed professional writing assistance from academic experts? I think YES.
There are a lot of ways of getting professional writing help online:
1. You can easily browse free essay databases to get your essay,
term paper… Continue
Added by Alex Lobsters on October 27, 2009 at 9:52am —
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Reposted from
Meg's Notebook
edWeb.net, a social networking site for educators, has just published the preliminary findings (never quite sure what that means) of a
survey of K-12 Educators on social networking and online collaboration tools. The online…
Added by Meg H on October 6, 2009 at 8:04pm —
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Hi everyone -- am doing research into virtual worlds and am comparing platforms. If you have user, publisher and/or administrator experience of one of these platforms -- please get in touch and I'll send you some questions to answer. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
Open Cobalt
Open Sim
Project Wonderland
If you use Second Life with learners, I'd be very interested in your reasons why you chose Second Life over other…
Added by KerryJ on September 17, 2009 at 2:14am —
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SpaceTime3D allows you to see your searches. After you type in your search term, you will see pictures of the web pages for your search. You can shuffle through these pages to make finding the information you are looking for easier. The SpaceTime Browser which is a download and SpaceTime3D, which is a web version (no download) of our Visual Search interface available at http://www.spacetime.com. We're proud to announce that The SpaceTime Browser…
Added by Ajaan Rob Hatfield on July 31, 2009 at 8:16pm —
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Developing a problem statement. Looking for a direction for my ARP. I would like to focus on developing metcognitive skills using technology.
Problem statement breakdown.
Suggestions are welcomed and encouraged!
Added by Don Robinson on July 21, 2009 at 7:40am —
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Google have recently rolled out a new twist on their search engine in their continued bid for world domination – Google Squared.
Google Squared takes a category and creates a starter ’square’ of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web and producing them in spreadsheet format. You can then add additional columns and rows to this grid of information (if more info is available)
read more at the Whiteboard Blog…
Added by Danny Nicholson on June 23, 2009 at 1:18pm —
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I grab YouTube clips that effectively communicate multi-step tasks to moderate to severely involved students on the Spectrum. I find that using sequential clips engages students quickly, more effectively and for longer periods of time.
I would like to collaborate with people who think this could prove valuable and would like to explore the potential.
Use Video Tab. Search: "Hygiene", "Oral Hygiene" and "Use a Tissue"
Added by Michael Leventhal on June 6, 2009 at 5:25pm —
Podcast with Author Dan Willingham:
Added by Tim Holt on March 25, 2009 at 6:19pm —
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from the education ercade
THE EDUCATION ARCADE released two white papers to guide the development and dissemination of educational games (and other technologies).
The Education Arcade at MIT has released two white papers on educational games and other learning technologies:
Moving Learning Games Forward and
Using the Technology… Continue
Added by Andrew on February 17, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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Good news!
The indepth interview research phase of my disseration is now complete. The next stages involve analysis and writing up the results. The goal is to defend in March 2009.
Topic: Youngest teachers. What do they experience working in public schools today? How do our youngest teachers (under age 28) describe their work? Do they plan to remain in the classroom? In the profession? What can we, as school leaders, learn from them?
It is all so fascinating. Their…
Added by Hilary Greenebaum on December 28, 2008 at 7:20pm —
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I was reading about the Washington DC social media and technology scene and ran across this cool search application called
Lumifi. It allows you to search and break down your subject, so you aren't restricted as much to the first 10. (check out the Global Warming demo) It allows you to "drill down" to more results in a very easy fashion. Also other academic research applications for teachers and students, although these are aimed more at the…
Added by Nathan Ketsdever on December 23, 2008 at 8:00pm —
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Content Based Learning Extends the Student to his Own Level
Content Based Learning has as its focus, Content, and provides the student a
rich base of content for learning.
A base content is provided by the teacher, with the option for the student to extend beyond what the teacher and lesson provides. This allows the student who is capable and motivated, to work at his own level, and extend his learning to the level of his own capability.
Using a…
Added by Maggi Carstairs on December 7, 2008 at 6:49pm —
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I have been thinking a lot about
vocabulary lately. It seems to me that it's such a fundamental part of academic success and something that lends itself to technology and potentially building some great reusable resources.
Then I read Marzano's "
Classroom Instruction That Works," a must-read if you haven't read it…
Added by Karen Fasimpaur on September 8, 2008 at 5:57pm —
Added by Turadg Aleahmad on July 18, 2008 at 5:44pm —
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Noodletools assists students in research with a variety of functions including search tools, note taking tools, and in making MLA or APA style bibliographies. With both subscription and free versions (the free version does not include the note taking cards including in the subscription service), the tools step students through the research process in a way that a typical search engine cannot, including guiding students in how to select a research topic,…
Added by Beth Poss on March 26, 2008 at 12:32pm —
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Hi all,
I just posted a blog that might interest classroom 2.0'rs.
What research says about project-based learning. Lots of teachers looking at technology in the classroom find that technology and projects go really well together. But it's not easy to implement project-based learning in the traditional classroom. There are lots of ideas here that might be helpful!
Added by Sylvia Martinez on February 14, 2008 at 11:31pm —
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