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Hello, I am Pedro from Chile. I teach English at San Andrés Institute in Rancagua, Chile. I like pretty much technology and I like to be here in this site. Tomorrow I am going into two weeks winter holidays. I pretend in the second semester, my students make an English Blog, so I am working on it.
My best regards to all of you ...
Bryan, your field trip week experience sounds amazing! What a great opportunity for your students and yourself! I'm Paula from the USA, Illinois. I just got a smart board last October in my middle school science classroom. As a 42 yr old, 20 year veteran teacher, I feel I'm in the right place at the right time! I am experienced enough to thoroughly know my curriculum, yet young enough to realize that we have to teach in the manner that our students will learn. Its not the way we learned, by no means. My first project is a wiki ( i need to learn how to create links). I am also questioning my responsibility with wikis and my students. How much should they be monitored, what are the problems that I could encounter?
Hi Paula,
I clicked your wiki link and but it did not work. My experience is similar to yours. I've taught middle school science and high school physics for 12 yrs and I just got a smartboard in Jan 09. I created my first class blog this morning. It's UA Science at I'd love some feedback!

Regarding teacher responsibility for wikis and blogs and such, does your IT director set any guidelines? This is all new to me.
Hello, My name is Erica Powell and I'm about to start teaching soon. Right now I'm working on my endorsement to become a certified online instructor for the state of Idaho. I'm also studying TESOL and looking for applications there. I joined Classroom 2.0 but haven't been able to attend because I've been working on Saturdays. I'd love to look at the webinars and forums and shows that I have missed. I'm glad there is a community to belong to. I know I need it!

My name is Patricia Graville, and I need help to find a blog dealing with new/emerging educational technologies. I don't know how to do that. Can you help me?
Hello All,
My name is Nicole and I teach high school math in a suburb of Kansas City. I am currently completing my master's degree and was introduced to Classroom 2.0 through a technology course. I am very interested in incorporating technology into my classroom and daily activities and can't wait to explore all that Classroom 2.0 has to offer.
I'm having some issues navigating the site. It may be becuase I am trying to do it while two preschoolers insiste on emptying my dresser drawers at the same time, but that's par for the course in my house. How do I go about finding specific information on this site? For example, right now I would like to know about how others use students blogs in thier classrooms. Is there a groups for this? Do I have to search 41 pages of groups to find it? Should I just start my own forum question on it? I would like to know more that just how to find this info, but also how to find other info when I need it. Thank you.
I think if you go to the Forums page and type in "student blogs" in the search box on the upper left & click the spy glass it will give you all conversations that have mentioned them. I'm REALLY new to this, but before I signed up I watched the intro. & it was really helpful on how to navigate within the site. I hope this helps.
My name is Marie Doherty. I live in Co Donegal in Ireland. I have been teaching since 1991 but for the last 10 years I have been working with parents. In Sept, I am going back to the classroomto teach twenty eight 11 and 12 year olds. Technology has moved on so much in the last 10 years. I teach in a small rural school - there are 9 people in total on the staff and technology is not used on a day to day basis really. I am interested in using technology and have been trying to decide where to start. HELP!!!!! There is so much and it is all so good and I am totally overwhelmed!
Hello, everyone! Just joined today. I learned of this site after attending a tech workshop at the end of June in Beatrice, NE. Workshop was by Kevin Honeycutt out of Kansas (awesome speaker!!), as well as local rural school teachers using new technology. Motivating in every way. I am a Kindergarten teacher of many years, but that hasn't stopped me from a continuous move toward educating myself to keep up with what's new out in the ed. world. Technology is where it's at and I'm excited to introduce Kindergarteners to their first experience in that realm. I teach in a rural school south of Lincoln. We don't have much, but we're adding more to our "tech toys" when we can. Just purchased clickers, mimio & I think they said we got a mobi or chalkboard. I was able to see the clickers & mobi at the workshop and am SUPER excited to experiment with them.
Hello! I'm a middle school math and science teacher. I'm looking for innovative ways to engage my students. Suggestions?
Hello, My name is Leyton Roberts, a Gen-Xer trying to figure out how tech should be used in the classroom. I've taught in Northern VA for 12 years now...middle school. I've used most digital equipment and electronics in some form in the classroom, but I've become disallusioned with its application and worth. I want it to work! So, this summer I've upgraded my skills. I started a website (free at Google) and a blog that goes along with it and chronicles my learning curve with Web 2.0: I've learned how to use social bookmarking sites (Delicious) and submitted to directories. I've worked at creating backlinks through writing articles at EZinearticles. I wonder if that linked right? I've enjoyed Facebook because I can connect with my family up in New England (and across the living room). I'm here to learn about theory and usage more than anything else. Just to use it because we have it, or for technology's sake doesn't work for me, but I do like computers. Well, enough of that, I'm off to troll the site!



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