I am looking for a classroom to collaborate with in the fall 2008 reagarding the 2008 Election. Currently, I teach 10th grade American Government. Would anyone be willing to work with me on getting a project off the ground for the next school year?

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That was fast! Fabulous!
The art teacher can email me at ssutter [at] wiscasset.k12.me.us, and you can email me there too, for that matter. The social studies teacher is really new to all this, so let me give her the heads up on Monday so she doesn't get your email out of the blue. I'll look for your email address and perhaps school website in my school email. I'll reply with our info, website and the Election 2008 blog. Our filter is pretty good about letting email in, but if it bounces back, just reply here again and we'll go from there.

This will be great. Thanks!
I am glad this is working out. I will try to email you some time this week.

Lexie Weitzel told me that you were looking for an art teacher with whom you might blog. I am setting up a blog page for my HS students and am interested in what you might have in mind! Let me know
Great! Here's my WHS art blog - this year its so I can send info out to the kids. I set them up with google readers to subscribe, so it's a great tool. (don't be confused by last year's blog posts - that was my first attempt, and the kids posted to the blog as a group, but it'll give you some sense of where I'm headed) Next week-ish the students are each getting their own edublog, and I'll put the links to all of them on the WHS Art blog.

I'm thinking we have the kids comment on each other's artwork? We are media based, in that I have a photo class, a digital imaging class and a ceramics class, rather than art 1, art 2, etc. Classes are mixed grade level 9-12 and definitely heterogeneously mixed (honors through life skills - everyone is included), so the level of writing will vary widely from kid to kid. I might even have a couple kids doing audio posts instead of text to accommodate an IEP. We'll see. These are the first blogs in the school, so the kids are REALLY new to all this. Go ahead and email me and we'll get the details worked out. This will be great fun. ssutter [at] wiscasset.k12.me.us

I'm sure you have plenty of resources already for your project but, just in case, below is a link to a video that discusses four key issues regarding the election. I hope you find it useful.





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