Cross-posted on my blog,
One thing I am really going to try and fit in the rest of the year, on a regular basis, is a podcast. I just can't seem to figure out where to begin. There are some stellar examples out there, Mathew Needleman's most recent post on his Creating Lifelong Learners blog provides some, plus information on how to fit it in. And then there is always Willowdale Elementary from Omaha, NE. That's right, Omaha. Their Willowcast is pretty amazing. As usual, I have sent word out to them via email to try and figure out how they have made such an awesome podcast. And as usual, I am waiting to hear back...
I guess I want my homeroom students to represent all subjects. Let me see, that's math, reading, writing, science, social studies, PE, music, art, etc. That seems like lot to cover. I wonder what would be more effective, having everyone develop some bit of each podcast or only letting a few at a time. It seems to me a few at a time would help generate some enthusiasm about it all. Maybe the same enthusiasm wouldn't come about if they were required to do it. Then, what should be covered. Everything or just some. Or should the kids decide? No matter what happens, you can keep up to date with our podcast here.
I do, I need feedback from fellow podcasters. Which way should I go, all or few? What should each epsiode cover, all or some? Who should decide the content?
I know how to make them and post them, I just don't know what to put in them.