Not all web20 tools or sites are suitable for young children, how about we create a list of those that are.

I mentioned Voicethread before on classroom20 - but if you missed it I would certainly reccommend you take a look. It is a hybrid between photoalbum, voice/text message board and doodleing tool. There are some excellent examples of classwork on the site.

Another tool I recently discovered is talkr. Talkr creates a text to speech feed from your blog. These feeds can then be downloaded to ipods, listened to directly from the web or saved on the computer. Its a simple and automated way to add audio to all your blog posts. I can see it being very useful with young children who are just starting to read.

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So far, I haven't had kids use web 2.0 stuff. I'm just learning about them now. I have plans to have kids use enter comments on a blog which will be a parent newsletter. Kids can comment on activities described in the newsletter. I also have plans to have them do a book review wiki. I haven't tried these yet, but I hope they will work. One big obstacle is their lack of keyboarding skill. I may have to hit keyboarding hard at the beginning of the year, then begin these projects later on.
The plus with VoiceThread is that nearly no keyboarding skills are neccessary. Of course on the other hand you do need to have a microphone and sound card.
I have tried out voicethread but need to back to it. It seemed very cool.
Thanks for reminding me of that tool.
WOW! Keep 'em coming. I just tried voicethread--what a remarkably useful site. Thank you so much. I'm showing it in class in 10 minutes--bet my kids will be off and running with it tonight!!!
So cool.
Website builder, could be suitable for 6th grades. provides an easy drag and drop interface, with inpage wysiwyg editing, allows for changing design at the click of a button, adding flickr albums, google maps, links, blog, uploading photos and files.
2 Big Advantages, a) NO advertising b)site can be downloaded as a zip file and uploaded to your own server. 1 Disadvantage - on my pc it occasionally freezes.
To get an idea here's a link to a site that took me exactly one hour to build and publish from scratch.
Another opensource mindmapping software is cmaps
Alternative online mindmapping tools are mindmeister
mindomo and gliffy (in fact gliffy is much more than a mindmapping tool and can be used to create floorplans, webpages and much more)
I've been using with some of my 3rd graders this year. It took some convincing of parents, but I explained that everything that they type in the blog goes to the administrator part of the blog for my approval or rejection before it is sent out to the world. Comments added by anyone also go to the administrator site for approval. The program also allows the blog to be set so only members can read or comment on the blogs. The students are working under aliases. They actually think that is pretty cool.
Some wonderful tools, games and resources for young children can be found at In fact there is so much that you need time to check them all out. I have tried "Noolz" their online flipbook maker - it's an excellent tool for creativity, unfortunately the "creation" you make can't be embeded into other web pages but a link can be sent by mail and it can be found in the directory on the site. I also tried "matrix" (or was dot matrix?), a join the dots game where children can also create their own join the dot puzzles for others to solve.
Wow, these are all great tools. You all just added to my stress this summer. ;) We used and the kids loved it. Every comment, every blog comes through the teacher so nothing goes on the site without permission. The students each have their own site to design as they wish, and they actually connected with kids from other classes in the world. They loved watching our clustrmap ( grow and it also helped them realize the need for editing (large scale audience).
I noticed when I was starting talkr for my blog and I went to the site to sign up, they had some very "interesting" topics on offer (one on "self stimulation"), so I would never want my students on the talkr site itself, although that would not eliminate using the plug-in. We are also fortunate in have NetTrekker, which has a conversion to speech utility that you can us on pages you call up through their service.

My favorite service is getting to be Teacher Tube because it's not blocked by my district, and the content is more relevant than You Tube.
OOps I didn't look at the topics at all - but as you say - students would just be subscribing to the RSS of your blog.

As far as video sites go, teacher tube is excellent, there is another education oriented video site

I do hope that people will start posting their films on as films there can be transcribed and translated by other members - the translations being automatically added to the film as subtitles. This will make videos accessible to the hearing impaired as well as to speakers of different languages. Here's a link to "RSS in Plain English" which has already been translated into 23 languages on dotsub
Secure Social Network for elementary students and teachers.
Yesterday I signed up on imbee, a secure social network for elementary students. Upon registering I was met by features that I have got used to on social sites, profile page, message box, groups, blogs etc... Any adults on the site have a pink frame round their avatar so that children will know they are talking to adults, I am pretty sure that a child cannot interact with people who are not in his social circle I will have to check this once my registration is authorized. Of course there's nothing to stop an adult signing in with his child"s user info, so the system isn't foolproof, on the other hand the system is set up so that parents can easily check what their children are doing and who they have been talking to.
Once my authorization comes through I'll write an update here, or maybe someone else has used and can inform us of their experience?



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