Mother’s Day is the one time of year dedicated to what our mom’s do for us. There are many things children can make for their moms that don’t require long hours. Other than taking her for a dinner and a memorable family trip, there are many small and inexpensive things you can do to show your love and respect towards her. A little time and creativity are all you need.

Here are 10 exciting Mother’s Day gift ideas for preschoolers. Choose any one of them and let…
Added by Dorothy Hastings on April 28, 2016 at 3:00am —
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As mentioned in previous posts, I have really tried to utilize my summer to better myself. I wanted to refine my skills as a progressive
educator who is able to meet the needs of students in a meaningful and
influential way. As such, I have concentrated on new ways to integrate
social media and technology into my classroom instruction. All of the
ideas and suggestions I plan on using started out as ideas. In
particular, they…
Added by Justin Tarte on August 6, 2010 at 8:22pm —
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Added by Scott Habeeb on March 22, 2010 at 6:55pm —
Comments is becoming one of the most used new technology tools for teachers. It is free, and versatile enough to be used in any area of the curriculum. There are lots of different ways to use Wordle, so I decided to compile a few of my favorites with some I already use and put them together in a top ten list. They are in no particular order, but if you want to check them out, click the following link to see my…
Added by Jonathan Wylie on December 12, 2009 at 12:53pm —
Cross-posted at The WebFooted Booklady.
A tweet requesting some ideas for engaging students during video screenings in class got me thinking. As I couldn't cram it all into 140 characters I responded on my blog:
- Show the video with no sound or with sound but no picture. Ask students to tell what they have understood and what questions they have. Show the video again with both sound and visuals and have them complete their summary.
- Show the video without sound and…
Added by Lesley Edwards on October 6, 2009 at 8:27am —
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Below is the problem statement, I am going with.
The problem is that students enrolled in online courses fail to effectively take ownership of their learning experience because technology tools are not being focused on developing metacognitive skills. If anyone runs across any relevant data- put me on!
Added by Don Robinson on July 26, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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I was emailed over the weekend by a year 6 teacher who wanted some ideas for using ICT with his class, and in particular for literacy.
I set up an
Etherpad to collate ideas and threw the question out to my network of Twitter friends. I invited them to visit the Etherpad and add their thoughts.
You can see the results of the collaboration here:…
Added by Danny Nicholson on June 24, 2009 at 3:00am —
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I am desperately searching for ideas for my classroom blog. I want to have this set in place so that I am ready for next year.
Added by Cary Fields on May 27, 2009 at 8:24pm —
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In the book Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies, authors Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff explain what they call the “groundswell” and how it in transforming our world.
According to the authors, the…
Added by Rob Jacobs on May 11, 2009 at 8:31pm —
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Right now, today, we have the winds of change at our backs. We have a new administration that is willing to accept innovative ideas across the board. Educators are in a position to play a major role in this learning transformation. The next administration may not be willing to lend the support that the current administration is lending. America depends on individuals, groups and organizations to bring needed ideas to the table for discussion. How can we take advantage of this moment? Web 2.0… Continue
Added by Don Robinson on January 27, 2009 at 6:00pm —
I have been maintaining a blog for communication purposes for about three years. I am now looking to incorporate more into my teaching and interaction with students. Our computer access at school is limited however. Does anyone have any creative suggestions for ways to incorporate blog use?
Added by Rogue Teacher on January 4, 2009 at 9:07am —
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