I teach technology to elementary students K-5.  I need to teach internet safety and am looking for lesson ideas. It would be great to get information about websites that offer interactive lessons, or suggestions on how I can create interactive lessons.  I would appreciate any suggestions.

Tags: internet, safety

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Check out this site. It is excellent.
Thanks. That's a great website.
For k-2 I like http://www.hectorsworld.com/island/index.html It has some short episodes you watch as a class and discuss. It is from New Zealand but, I have had great success with it. Covers asking an adult before going on line, using a username and not giving out personal information. I use it with K & 1 -two years in a row and plenty of material to cover.
Thanks. This is a great site for my younger students.

Check out the guides in the Kiwi Commons resource center - http://kiwicommons.com/reference/. On top of lesson plans, we also have information for teachers on how to deal with Internet Safety issues in the classroom.
Game that teaches kids how to be cybersafe:



There's also The Teacher's Companion

The Teacher's Companion gives elementary school teachers, librarians and computer instructors an introduction to The MySecureCyberspace Game and 12 lesson starters to help them get started with the game in the classroom. Each lesson starter contains terminology, background information and classroom activities, as well as an outline of learning objectives and learning objective outcomes, and corresponding standards from the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS).
Thanks so much for all the information.
Maybe not interactive like you were hoping, but I like www.becybersmart.org for K-9 curriculum. Several strands of info and expands on concepts as grade levels increase. I often pull in Web 2.0 tools as extensions or teach the lessons immediately before a unit/project that requires those skills. I'm a firm believer in not just teaching internet safety as a unit, but weaving it throughout the year and repeating/expanding at each grade level. I'd be happy to share specific examples of how I use it if you want.
Bernadette, I really like the format of the lessons and the scope & sequence. I also like your idea of teaching a lesson before a project that requires the skill. I was planning on teaching internet safety lessons separately, but incorporating them into projects make the safety lesson relevant for the students. Thanks.



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