Just wondering what everyone is doing the first day of "computer lab class". I know most of us go over the rules but what else do you do?

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We will be going over the procedures for properly caring for the floppy disc drives
I thought Floppy drives were passe.
Fun introduction activity (5 minutes)
Introduce who I am (5 minutes)
Procedures of how to come in, sit down, and leaving for the restroom practice (5 minutes)
Learn the teacher signal for getting the class's attention and what the students need to do, practice (5 minutes)
Fill out student profile sheet or do online depending on age, walk around to take student photo for record keeping (10-15 minutes)
Procedure for leaving computer lab, practice (5 minutes)
Explain what they will be doing next time they come to the "lab", pass out any important documents (5 minutes)



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