Hi - I am setting up a project where students are writing to themselves in 20 years, making predictions about career, life, family etc. and was wondering if anyone knows of an application or software that I can take a picture taken today and age the image to "sorta" show what the student might look like in 20 years. Kinda like CSI or one of those other forensic shows. Thanks Harold

Tags: futureme, teaching

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I don't know of a "real" age progression software that is free but I found something that might be much more fun. All you need to do is take full face photos of the kids, upload them to http://befunky.com and they can age themselves. You can "uvatar" or "cartoonerize" yourself. My kids took a look at this application today and were rolling on the floor after adding fake beards, sunglasses and bling. Check it out, your kids will love it.



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