I am always interested in seeing what others are reading. Some of them I have picked up from here.
What educational blogs are you reading regularly?
Some of what I am reading:
A History Teacher
always learning
Educating the Dragon
Blue Skunk Blog
Cool Cat Teacher Blog

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Right now some of what I'm reading includes:

http://practicaltheory.org/serendipity - Chris Lehman
http://davidwarlick.com/2cents - David Warlick
http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com - Vicki Davis
http://www.weblogg-ed.com/ - Will Richardson
http://scottmcleod.typepad.com/dangerouslyirrelevant/ - Scott McLeod
http://www.teach42.com/ - Steve Dembo

Found this one last night - added it to my aggregator...I'll read a little and see if it stays there:
http://clifsnotes.wordpress.com/ - Clif Mims

The Education Gadfly . I also faithfully listen to The Education Gadfly Show, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new iPods Wednesday, so I can stop burning CD's every week!
And now for something completely different...I'm copying Tim Holt (but not using the Nancy's mother ploy) and suggesting you stop by one of my blogs. It's called A Very Old Place and I post about using primary sources in the classroom. If I had more readers I'd post often because I have tons of ideas and suggestions. I've presented on primary sources and Library of Congress many times at NECC and around the state and region. I don't do it any more and I wanted to use this blog to share all the stuff I learned. Check it out. N
Hi Chris,

Darren Kuropatwa's blog "A Difference" is a fantastic blog. Now, I am not a math teacher but I do find what he is doing with his students inspiring.

Another blog I read on a regular basis is "Leader Talk". http://www.leadertalk.org/ Lots of great discussion regarding the day to day stuff and deep thinking about what it is we are doing in our schools, and why we are doing it. It is nice to get the perspective of various administrators and leaders.

Plugging our own division's tech guru, "SVSD Classroom Technology"

is a great resource for teachers who are interested in trying new sites, but don't have the time to go searching. Lorne Henkelman does a great job of finding sites for us.

Anyone using Interactive Whiteboards should check out the SMARTBoard Lesson Podcast. Ben Hazzard & Joan Badger do a fantastic job of finding interesting sites, creating lessons and talking about all things SMART - but it isn't just for SMART users! The dynamic duo create a fun to listen to podcast and have great ideas to share.

I also listen to Dave Warlick (2 cents worth), Vicki Davis (Cool Cat Teacher), Do I Dare Disturb The Universe? (Scott J. Elias) and many more....

These are the edtech blogs I read...

Here is mine....you can see what I follow there

http://www.edweek.org/ew/index.html is really good. It's not a blog, but they always have great articles!



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