Nobody wants to think that their child is not smart, but the truth is fewer kids are engaging in the kinds of activities that make them smarter.

Here are his 3 simple tips for helping make your kids smarter:

1. Don't be afraid to expose your kids to more complex stories, even if you have to read them to your children. According to me that we can help stem that tide by offering children more complex books for early childhood reading.

we improved prepare them for the more intricate stories they'll encounter in their secondary school career By engaging younger children with more complex stories and concepts.

2. Use stories that kids like and relate them to history, literature, etc. -- other things they need to learn in school.

3. Don't dumb it down! You'd be surprised how much information kids can absorb if given the chance.
"Young children are smarter than we give them credit for being,"
It's been proven that parents help their children much more by using plain language with them than they do when they use baby talk, so why do we feel compelled to 'dumb down' what they read in younger years?

It's time we identify what researchers and scientists have been proving in studies for decades - that young children can absorb information at a much faster rate than older children, and they can retain more of it.

What is your opinion? or Any Suggestion that help kids to become smart

Tags: activities, childhood, early, educational, professional

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