1. What activity did you select to use for your global assignment? Describe the activity and what makes it global.
For my Global assignment, I chose to use the ePals website.   I designed the lesson where my third grade students consider various aspects of their own cultural identity and then are paired up with a student from ePals of a country of their choice (preferably from a country that the student would like to learn more about).  After a week, the students will use the information they gathered in their conversations to create a visual poster that compares and contrasts the similarities and differences between themselves and their ePals.  The students will post these digitally to the class MightyBell site for a classroom portfolio and then we will also print them and hang them in the hall for a class portfolio.  This activity is designed to help the students better understand themselves and that while many of us across the world have great differences, we also have many similarities.   Students should also gain a clearer understanding of digital citizenship.  
2. Describe how you incorporate that activity into your classroom
I do not yet have my classroom up and running, but my plans would be to incorporate this activity in the beginning part of the year in conjunction with the social studies geography standard three: Students will develop an understanding of the diversity of human culture and the unique nature of places.  

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Replies to This Discussion

Very cool lesson!   Congratulations on the job!!!  You must be very excited :)   I think students would really benefit from this activity especially since a lot of students are a 'melting pot' of cultures, this provides an opportunity for them to explore their past ancestry.  Also there would be an opportunity for the students to educate others on various cultures and promote understanding and diversity.  Not to mention the number of standards you will be assessing.  

Hi Jen

What a great idea! I like the Global assignment and being exposed to the ePals website. I think its great when we could bring multiple cultures together and understand and respect one another. Your lesson mirrors mine in a way to have the students research a culture and compare with their own. I also found that corresponding with a pen pal half way across the globe is and will be exciting for the students. It is great that technology is closing the gap between the distance from each society. I am looking forward in using ePals this coming school year. Congratulations and Good luck on your new teaching job!


I had my students create a PowerPoint to demonstrate what they learned and to compare and contrast their life with their ePal buddy. I love your idea of having them create a poster and displaying the pictures for others to see. That is definitely an idea that I want to remember for the future. Thanks for sharing!!! 



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