Hello everyone,

I am Tsmith Thursday in SL. I've had a SL account for a few months, explored a lot when I first got the account, but haven't done much in a while. I roamed around quite a bit, learned to fly and transport, visited a few university sites - but mostly I seem to go places when no one else is around. Seems quite empty very often - my bad luck :-). I am interested in edu conversations and sharing.

Does this group have a meeting place in SL?


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Terry - an empty SL is a big problem I encounter too. All the interesting spots are empty and the uninteresting (clubs, casinos) are packed. I'm learning that the key to SL is to drop by when there are events going on, talks, seminars, etc. A great group to join in world is ISTE, they host a lot of great talks. Joining their group while in world will set you up to receive their email alerts, which will tell you when to jump in and meet the other folks.

Looking forward to seeing you in SL. Search for Smartlak Goodfellow and say hello!
Thanks Liam - I belong to ISTE, just haven't been online when things are happening. I am Tsmith Thursday.
Cool - i'll look you up when I'm next in world, which will be tonight at 6 PST for the Howard Rheingold talk at ISTE. Should be fun.



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