Think reflectively about the micro-teaching lesson that you and your partner created and presented in class. The, write a blog (250-300 words approx.) that responds to the following three key questions: why you found this lesson interesting and strong for your class, what you would have done differently due to differentiating instruction reasons, and how you would have incorporated more culture into it.

In order to earn full credit for this blog, you must also leave at least two comments (50-100 words each) on your peers’ posts. Please take the time to read what they wrote – you’ll find that you often have similar reactions to the teaching experience, and can help one another a great deal through this first semester!



For personal blog: Sunday, February 23, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

For two comments: Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

Views: 328

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In our model lesson, my partner and I worked on Cognitive Learning. In this topic we focused on developing three activities based on helping our students with the learning process. We followed off  of “Teacher´s Handbook” where we have to choose reading, writing and presentations properly to capture the students interest.

While it is true that our class does not specify the level of Spanish for our students, we will develop classes for different levels of learners of Spanish. We believe it is important to be more dynamic in the field and create an active and engaging classroom for all the students. For instance, we led the class with a greeting and then asked them for today´s date, so everyone is active and participating. In the other lesson we asked students simple things like their age, hair color, birthday, name of their fathers, favorite activity, food, color, books, and movies. These activities we worked on helped to make sure each student could learn instead of just focusing on one group. What we want is for everyone to get involved without having to separate them into two classes of students. We also have to keep in mind that students who are bilingual can get bored. That is why we have a class in which we would present a part of a song that is fashionable but that also has words in Spanish and thus capture the attention of the students.

We would ask them to sing and we would give them a copy of it with the song with blank words. they would have to be words that we have seen before to be recognized and fill in the blanks. Using music can help incorporate culture into our lesson. Those strategies help standard level students as well as special education students. They also help students with a foreign language as their first language.


Hello Maritza and Jenise,

I certainly enjoyed your presentation. I thought that the pictures, colors and activities you chose would really capture the student’s interest in learning. The idea of asking the students about today's date and what they ate etc., really helps them a lot with being active and participating. I thought that the activity with integrating the song was also good because its not a hard song and very catchy and a mindful way to incorporate culture in a lesson.

I believe that in our micro-teaching lesson my partner and I created concerning Cognitive development was interesting and strong enough for a classroom setting, but I do believe that there is always room for improvement as well. Our lesson was based on creating activities that would make the classroom feel inclusive and could be modified to serve the needs of studens with disabilities. One thing that I would do differently is to incorporate a better flow between each activity. I feel like we incorporated culture into the last activity a whole lot, but after receiving such helpful feedback from my classmates, I believe that maybe we could have used a different song or went about that activity in a distinct manner. After giving the presentation I do believe we lacked to incorporate the cultural aspect in the other two activities. What I would have done to include the cultural aspect to the first activity would be to include a sentence like “The spanish country I would like to visit or have visited is ______” where they would have to fill in the name of the country and draw a picture of their flag if applies. For the second activity I would have incorporated pictures that are associated with the spanish culture while speaking about the weather the months and what their functions are. For example when deciding what picture works best for the option “hace calor” I could include a picture of Shakira expressing how hot it is outside. This is something that I feel connects to culture as well as it works to attract and capture the students attention. 

Hello Jenise,
I loved how well you used images and small clip art in your presentation. It definitely grabbed my attention and I’m sure it would help students be more engaged throughout the lesson. I do agree with your own suggestion to making small modifications in order to include more culture into the activities. When you wrote about your weather activity I believe that all the students would benefit with a photo being placed next to the weather vocabulary. Some students are visual learners and it would also help with being able to associate cultural things with everyday vocabulary.

Hello, Jenise 

I Found this lesson very fun and full of color. Students find them self less distracted when they have something more fun to focus on. I think that the task you guys had was very interesting because in all classes you are most likely to have students with different disabilities. I feel like the second activity you guys did was formatted very well, students will be able to full comprehend the weather by the pictures you included and at the same time be able to form a well sentence being that you gave them examples. I agree with you about including more culture in that activity. You guys maybe could have had a pre lesson talking about the weather in different countries and then have fill in the blank sentences. Overall, you guys did an amazing job.

Hi Jenise and Maritza,


I liked your presentation how you guys incorporated cognitive learning, and culture in the classroom. Although I think during your prestation I didn’t know how you would make modification for student with cognitive learning. , how you incorporated the song for their age group to grab their attention. I believe for next time you should elaborate more on this aspect. Furthermore, I agree with Oralia I think next time have the picture next to each other so the student have the information provided near them so they can easily refer back to it, rather than going back finding the number and would flow easily for them

In our micro-teaching lesson, Lady and I worked on Translation-based. We focused on creating activities that would incorporate communication, hands on activities. I found this lesson interesting and strong because we focused on creating a good atmosphere by including dynamic activities. The interaction within a teacher and the students is very important. That means, having to create this lesson that will make students feel motivated and actually want to learn because of the fun activities. Although translation based can include a lot of repetition, students will have the obligation to memorize whrn having an interaction atmosphere in the classroom. 

What we could have done differently in our lesson it would be adding more vibrant color and pictures that could catch the students attention. We could have use pictures they see in their everyday life, something they can relate to. Even though, we could notice the difference between the mechanical and conventional form it would be better to consider putting up images so the students can see the difference than just explaining it to them. 

to incorporate more culture to it, my partner and I could have added food or music in our activities. It could have been from any students culture and we could have used that to translate to the target language. This could have been great for our activity of charades. Just by adding different foods from our students culture would have been more interesting. 

Hi Tanya, First of all I wanted to compliment you and Lady on your presentation. I found it to be very informative. I also agree with the reasoning behind your strategy for creating your micro-teaching lesson. The lesson needs to be interesting enough for the students to actually want to get involved. The classroom atmosphere is so important, if a student feels comfortable they will participate more. They'll not only get involved but also realize the translation part of the lesson. Repetition is best used when the student doesn't even realize that it's being used.



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