I am looking for another class(es) to work on a collaborative project over video conference, blogging, wiki etc.

Nothing major, just something that can help expand what we do in class.

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What do you have in mind?
We are beginning the fourth quarter in a week, which consists of units on social psych, abnormal psych, and therapy.

I normally do a unit on serial killers, just because it seems to hold the attention of my seniors amidst the spring fever that is about to set in here in Missouri.

I was thinking it might be fun to set up some kind of unit/lesson that would require the students to work together via email, wiki, blogging. Maybe some kind of collaborative type of research in which they would need to produce some sort of multimedia presentation.

Actually, it might be kind of neat to see what they come up with. While my three sections are all general psych (no AP), I have some pretty motivated and creative students.

I am open to any and all suggestions, as this is my first go round with this.
First you have to read the book the Devil in the White City about the serial Killer during the Chicago World Fair -- One of my favorite books of all time.

Serial killers! They just found serial killer at a college campus near me. They opened his trunk and found a load of Corn Flakes.

No way I could do something with serial killers...my parents would flip out. Keep me in mind for anything else. Or even if you needed a one day sort-of-thing or even if you put something online and your kids needed an authentic audience for something.
What about something to do with therapy, or treatment of mental illnesses, in general.
Hmmmm....what is your time frame for this? A couple things popping in my head. I have a student teacher starting with me this week--total surprise. So in five weeks I won't even have any classes. If you could wait five weeks I could pull a small group from one of the classes he will be teaching and keep them with me and they could work on this. We are a 19th Century US History class--an easy thing for me to fit in would be a history of the treatment of mental illness sort of thing...maybe focusing on the increase in asylums which started in our area the NorthEast. Let me know...email me if that works and I will pass it by the kids.
Perfect. I start the 4th quarter (next week) with a 3 week unit on abnormal psych. Then I go into treatment/therapy. Let me start looking for some ideas on a cross-curricular unit. We are off of school again today (snow/ice). We will probably be making up days until July :)
Here is what I am thinking, and feel free to expand on it.

The psych students would review the prevailing theories of the 19th century, treatment of illnesses, famous psychological thinkers of the time, etc.

The history students could examine the location of some of the hospitals of the day. Maybe some background on who opened them, why they are located there, etc.

We could have them post findings (once a week?) on the WIKI that I have set up, and allow them to bounce ideas off of one another.

I don't know if you use powerpoint or not, but perhaps we could have each of our groups create some sort of presentation, email to the other group, and allow them to fuse together both powerpoints into one presentation. Obviously it would be somewhat different because of the differing areas of emphasis, but it could turn out to be pretty cool. Could probably use it to show the connectivity of different content areas, or something like that.

Probably 1-2 class periods a week for three weeks. Require one posting per individual each week on the Wiki, and assign roles in the PPT.

I will hand-pick my students and use it as an independent project.

My WIKI is--- http://genpsych.pbwiki.com

Let me know if you have any difficulties logging on and posting.

I think that we would start this the week of April 14th.
The Wiki is http://genpsych.pbwiki.com/

the invite key is --- school
Sounds good....I will get back to you next week on this. I started doing some searching for sources and they are slim on the internet. Tomorrow I am going to check into a "field trip" to one of the surrounding university libraries for sources. We could handle doing a powerpoint on name, location, and picture based on online sources...but I would like to see what's available to allow them to take on something more creative about them...I'll be in touch Mon/Tues.
Real quick -- have a small group interested in doing this. So we are on...will get back for details!
Great. I have some kids as well.
Talk to you soon.
We are wrapping up our abnormal psych unit this week, and will be able to move into the treatment/therapy unit. I will need a couple of days next week to introduce the unit, and pull aside the students that will be doing the work. I am probably going to approach it as an independent research assignment into methods of diagnosis and treatment during the 19th century. We studied a great deal about different approaches, and these lend themselves to the methods of treatment, etc.

I will speak with them about posting info. on the Wiki that I set up, video conferencing, etc.

What are your thoughts on how your students should approach this.



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