Thanks to the Classroom 2.0 community, I've put together a nice list of Technology Assessments. Now, I'm requesting your help in putting together a list of technology plan templates. What do each of you do to assist schools with their technology plans? Please share and I'll compile a resource that will hopefully benefit us all.

Thanks as always.

Tags: Assessment, Plan, Technology

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I don't know if this will be of some use, but here is my old district's technology overview/plan.
Fantastic. I will take a look. I'm sure if we can get several of these and share and compare we will have a great resource.
If this is of interest to others I've collected some materials at
That's great, I love this site and the idea!!!
Here is another plan of a district right next to mine in St. Francis Wi, a suburb of Milwaukee.

This one is from New Berlin WI.



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