Hi everyone,

I've been thinking about why I join social networks or online communities, especially one like Classroom 2.0.  They provide me with a safe, authorized place to ask questions of people who have the same sorts of interests, concerns, passions as me.  And, most of them are much more expert than me in many ways and can help point me to answers or great resources.  It's a big community, and still growing, but I still can find lots of resources and several of the webinar/group chat events have been really informative.

So -- Why did you join?  
- Because someone else in your school/school district did?
- Because you were searching for something and stumbled upon it?
- Because you heard about it via email or in a Professional Development conference/meeting/session?
- Because you needed to post a question and joining was the only way to do it..?
- Because you want to feel the same connectedness to other teachers as you did when you were still taking pre-service classes and you have lost those contacts over time?
- Because you wanted something different than all those standard professional development seminars for continuing ed credits...?
- Because you think that Steve Hargadon is just the coolest to have started and maintained it?

Thanks and Happy May!

Tags: communities, networks, online, social, why

Views: 75

Replies to This Discussion

I have joined Ning because I needed a blog and found out it was a social network. In my joining I've found out that their are people like me who do not know that much about social network. I can talk about my class and about the network also. I am still trying to take this all in. I have read most of what every one are writing and enjoying what they are talking about at their school. This way as a beginning teacher I can learn from others.
Thanks, Annie! I think it is wonderful that you are taking steps to learn more about social media like blogs and 'social networks' like this Classroom2.0 on ning. More importantly, you are participating actively in the community, asking questions and sharing perspectives - we could all take a lesson from you =) Are you looking to get your classes involved, too? What have you found to be most helpful? Thanks again.
Hi All! I joined Classroom 2.0 because I am a brand new school library media specialist (grades 4-6) and am looking for fun, safe ways to teach my kids about social networking and internet safety. I'd like to be able to incorporate social networking into LMC projects, so hopefully I will find great ideas on this site!
I'm developing small websites aimed at the ESL market while at the same time studying for a TESOL Diploma and an MA in Online Education... so, where else to come but classroom 2.0 (apart from eflclassroom... which I joined too)
I am new to this world of web 2.0 and education. Although I have a blog and I use online tools like wikis, wallwisher, voicethread..etc at times there is this conflict within ...was the teaching-learning process better with marker and white board and all those flash cards,role paly activity cards...puzzles etc (am a great fan of these theaching aids ever since i completed my CELTA).....should i go back to a simple PPT or try out a prezi...should I set a writing activity and ask them to write in pen (we have paper-pen based tests at school so ultimately the students have to actually write and not type)...

Furthermore, I realized that i was using technology as a medium to communicate what I was otherwise doing with worksheets, oral instructions or simple handouts...I also felt that I was more focused on the 'nice to know' aspect rather than the 'need to know aspect'. I started using tools just because they looked good or had a lot of interesting features...I was looking at methods of increasing the effectivness and not effeciency. As they say, awareness comes before change...I somehow feel that i need to change the way I use technology in my classroom. I need find that magic key to strike the right balance between pedagogy and technology.

One of my colleagues suggested I join classroom 2.0 and so I'm here to understand how technology is being used in different contexts...to learn and to share.
Anjali, Thanks so much for responding to my question -- and with such a lot of information. I agree that I at least, have used technology for interesting features or maybe in a pinch, but I haven't really used social media and open source technologies to transform the way I study or the way that I might teach. I imagine that several of us are still experimenting with opportunities to use them -- so thanks for your comment on that!
Hello everyone,
     I am an aspiring teacher from North East PA.  Currently I work in quality control for a pharmaceutical company. I am currently enrolled in the Instructional Media program at Wilkes University in North East PA. I am hoping this site/group leads to better dialog and leads to a better knowledge of digital resources for myself. I am aggressively pursuing ways to effectively facilitate my transition from my highly controlled lab setting to the dynamic classroom.
Wow, Brad -- Welcome and all the best with your studies, your transition and new forays into educational networks like Classroom2.0. Although I have always been involved in education, I made the complete transition from government a few years ago myself, and am very glad I did (though it has been hard sometimes, I will confess). I've found Classroom2.0 to be a great resource for 'checking in' every once in awhile, asking specific questions, and listening to archived webchat sessions. I would also like to take the opportunity to point you to a new space that Steve Hargadon (Classroom2.0 founder) has started - LearnCentral (http://www.learncentral.org/). It seems to offer a few more features (special group chat rooms/sessions) than exist on Ning now -- lots of its webinars also seem to be available through Classroom2.0. It also guides registered members to fill in as much professional information as possible, to help people find expertise or even geographically close members more effectively. Another thought, at least, since you're making the transition. Again, best of luck with your studies/transition!
I found this place through another blog -- www.freetech4teachers.com - as I am learning to integrate technology more and more than I do before. Now I'm trying to develop a bigger and broader PLN by joining this place. I'm hoping to learn more tools and ideas to enrich the kids learning. Web 2.0 is definitely looking more and more friendly for my students. I am deaf myself, am a teacher and teach deaf kids. English is a big challenge for most of my students, so any way I can make information visually attractive, kinesthetic, spatial, etc (all the intelligences that don't involve listening), I try to do it!

So if any of you teach science (middle to high school) or teach deaf & hard of hearing students, I would love to connect with you. My Twitter account is VSDBSciTeach.
This is great, Harry, Welcome! I think you might also send your twitter account and this background to the "Introductions" section -- lots of new folks post their info there, and get welcomes from the more experienced hosts, too. It's interesting to me to know that you believe your personal learning network will expand with a forum/space like Classroom2.0. Is this your personal hunch, or have you discussed it with other teachers, too? Thanks again for responding to my question.

To answer your question, I'd say it's a bit of both with hope and prayer that I can develop a PLN. I first learned of the concept of PLN at freetech4teachers. I'm just trying several places right now and see which ones take root.

Thanks for the suggestion about the Intro page.
Oh, also -- thanks for the link to freetech4teachers.com!



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