My students use as a free online learning tool. Do you know of any others that are language based and appropriate for kindergarten?

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Thanks for posting this site. I am an elementary ed student and we are looking for sites like this one for my tech course. I really enjoyed this site and will share it with the K teachers in my practicum.
Glad I could help Shannon! I wish this site was out there when I was in my teaching program. Let me know what else you find out about.
Here is another good resource, but it is would be difficult to beat Starfall!

Susan Haninger
Thanks for sharing! I sent the link to several kindergarten teachers. I am sure they'll be thrilled to have another new resource to use with their students.

After the free sign up you get access to teacher lesson plans and all the stories in animated or story form. There are a great selection of World Folk Tales here suitable for K-2.
My kinder kids use Samson sight words and Word safari. Check out my blogroll particularly my delicious links for others that might be useful,



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