A great article on MaxPing - IT giants back up open source 3D Web

First prototype of the 3D web is already run at thousands of Opensim servers all around the globe. The 3D Web bears similarities to 2D Web; Users can follow links to teleport from a 3D world to another one. 3D Viewers are used to browse the 3D content on the servers.

The 3D web software consists of Opensimulator server, comparable to Apache, and a 3D browser, comparable to Firefox. Today there are already many 3D browsers to choose from, the most advanced one called realXtend viewer.

The Opensimulator movement started early 2007 when Darren Guard published his C# reverse engineered Second Life compatible server. The Opensimulator (Opensim) project was born (read some history here).

Having been very cloesly involved for several years now in the field - its nice to finally see the big boys notice the promise of open source virtual world technology.

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