Palestinian Wall Art along the Israel/ West Bank Security Barrier

The Israeli West-Bank barrier is an 8 meters high concrete wall being constructed by Israel, mainly within the West Bank (Palestine). Most Israelis agree that the wall has improved their security; where the wall has been completed, there has been a drastic reduction in suicide bombings.

For Palestinians, the wall has meant even greater suffering and poverty, limiting their freedom and access to jobs, land, water, relatives and medical care. For example, in the West Bank, average time for an ambulance to travel to the nearest hospital has increased from 10 minutes to over 110 minutes. In some parts of the West Bank, a 10 minute walk to a job or farm land has become a 3-hour drive in order to reach a gate, to go (if allowed) through a crowded military checkpoint, and drive back to the destination on the other side. Palestinians refer to it as the Apartheid wall, and equate living behind it to living in one big prison.

I hope someday there will be more humane solutions, where the rights and basic needs of the Palestinians are held in equal consideration with the security needs of the Israelis.

Much like the Berlin Wall before it, the West Bank side of the wall is being covered with graffiti art.

The images in the first slideshow are large, at least 1800 X 1200 pixels. You can click through (click twice on image) to view at the large size.

This second slide show consists of medium sized images, about 800 X 600.

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