There are lots of things that people love: new car smell, walks on the beach, winning the lottery and most importantly, opening a gas station soda only to find out you won a free soda!
In addition to these most cherished things in our lives, I also really love to be inspired and motivated. Over the last couple weeks there have been two pieces in particular that have so eloquently come together in perfect harmony...…
I recently asked principals and administrators across North America one simple question: What do you love about your job? Here are the responses I got...and I must say, they are pretty awesome. Enjoy!
A few days ago I had the opportunity to watch the movie The Blind Side. As my wife and I sat there watching the movie I couldn't help but notice how "into" the movie we were. This was not the first time I heard of the movie, however it was the first time I could watch the movie in
its entirety. At my high school we watched a short clip of the film as
part of a Character Education lesson during our…
"Hey... Don´t ever let somebody tell you, you can´t to something. Not even me... Alright? You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period." (Christopher Gardner)
Today I had the opportunity to speak with one of the members of my high school's custodial staff. This particular team member is assigned to my
classroom. Though we are almost halfway done with the school year, I
have regrettably not spent much time talking to this person. Today was
my chance...
It was so nice to speak with the person that is responsible for making
sure my classroom is ready to go for the next school… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on December 4, 2010 at 6:35pm —
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Oh, Thanksgiving. Time for all those F’s we love: Food, football Okay, some of those things we love more than others. I have had many discussions over
the years with one of my fellow educators about people; people that we
enjoy and those we don’t. Recently, we…Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on November 21, 2010 at 8:09pm —
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This past week at school has been particularly busy, and unfortunately this means not getting to spend a lot of time with my two favorite
girls. Coming home from meetings, training sessions, and classes late
at night are all the perfect ingredients for an exhausted and mentally
drained educator. We all have experienced work weeks like
weeks that never seem to end and never seem to give you a moments… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on October 17, 2010 at 1:58pm —
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The path to growth and development can be ugly at times. Educators are part of a world that is continually changing and evolving, and as such
we are forced to take a leap, and at times take a leap when we are not
ready. Going through all my undergraduate classes at Mizzou we were
always told how rewarding and fantastic the field of education is, and
from where I sit right now I could not agree more. So...the big
question… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on October 10, 2010 at 8:05pm —
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My wife and I have been married for a little under three years, and about a year ago we decided that we wanted
to grow our family. As we discussed the most typical way of growing a
family (a baby), we came to the conclusion that we should start small
before taking the big leap. Last summer we purchased an 8 pound, runt
of the litter, slightly discolored, adorable, and loving yellow lab
Every Friday morning I have the opportunity to see and greet almost every single student at my high school. The high school at which I work
has a little more than 1,800 students, and as I stand their doing my
duty I can't help but think how amazing it is that this process goes as
smoothly as it does. It is my personal goal to say "good morning" to
every student I have, have had, and potentially expect to have. The
typical… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on October 1, 2010 at 3:27pm —
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Last week I was speaking with a colleague of mine, and we were discussing activities we could do during one of our professional
development days. As we discussed potential ideas, we turned our focus
to activities that teachers could employ immediately. We wanted to
avoid activities that would require a lot of time and preparation in an
effort to provide our teachers with several very strong and powerful
strategies they could… Continue
On any given day, educators experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. How an educator reacts and responds to these highs and
lows can often dictate the overall mood of the day. In my short 6 years
as an educator, I have learned several things as it pertains to
remaining positive, as well as keeping things in perspective when it
comes to my professional and personal life. Educators have an extremely
difficult and… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on September 3, 2010 at 6:57pm —
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My first official working day at school was today...I witnessed ups and downs, heard screams of joy, and whirlpools of pessimism and
discontent. As I thought more about the "happy" people, and the not so
happy people, I decided to concentrate on why the "happy" people were
happy. I soon realized there seemed to be a couple underlying factors
that lead to their happiness / enthusiasm toward the new school year.
Educators are constantly using their energy and resources on others. Their students are their number one priority, and consequently educators
are always filling the buckets of others. Educators dedicate
their lives to the development and growth of others...but wait, who
fills the buckets of educators? Who is there to tell the educators they
are doing a great job, and if they need anything somebody will always
be there… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on August 9, 2010 at 5:58pm —
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Educators in America and around the world face a daunting task. Educators are asked to teach every student regardless of their ability,
their desire to learn, and their family or socioeconomic situation. As I
am sure you are aware, education can also be one of the most rewarding
careers in the world. However, in order to be a great educator you must
accept the responsibility of affecting the lives of children. Last
year I read… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on August 9, 2010 at 6:15am —
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