All Blog Posts Tagged 'business' (10)

Born To Lead? 4 Degrees That Can Help You Unlock Your Potential

Leadership skills are valued by employers. It is vital to acquire these skills in the professional world in order to guide, take control and gain respect within your work environment. Today, there are many college degrees that can help you unlock your…


Added by Emma Sturgis on April 27, 2016 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Four steps for maximizing chances of success of your online business

When you’re opening an online business, there are certain steps to follow to give the greatest possible chance of succeeding.

The first step is finding what people want and then fulfilling that need. That doesn’t mean that you find a certain product that people desire, but rather a market in which you’ll be able to compete and fulfill the desires of people. People in a certain market are on the…


Added by Anne Brown on March 31, 2016 at 4:47am — No Comments

Working adults looking to online universities for new knowledge opportunities

The saying is that people grow wiser as they age, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have more knowledge. Real life experiences – those which can’t be learned in a classroom setting – are a contributing factor to the wisdom of older adults. This wisdom can play a huge role in the careers of working professionals. However, sometimes more is needed – and that’s where knowledge comes into play, especially at an older age.

It used to be that once people started their careers, they…


Added by Melissa Burns on February 19, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

Are you sure your business can ignore the mobile revolution?

Very interesting post on mobile learning inclusive of mobile learning & development industry.

Added by Kristine on September 14, 2010 at 3:18am — No Comments

Amity University - Amity School and College in Gurgaon, Noida - Relief to Students in India

Amity University - Amity School and college in Gurgaon, Noida, Jaipur brings a relief to all the students in India aspiring to go for engineering & medical college and take their career to the next level.

Gone are the days when getting admission in to engineering colleges, medical colleges used to be a hard nut to crack. Gone are the days when there used to be one engineer in a town and it used to be the thing of honour to be an engineer. Doctors still few…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on July 20, 2010 at 5:30am — No Comments

The Webinar Minute - "Webinars Are Free... Wanna Bet?"

Not all webinars are free, but not all are saleable. Watch this episode of The Webinar Minute to learn what makes people willing to pay for your webinars. Intrigued by webinars?…


Added by Lee Salz on May 6, 2010 at 12:29pm — No Comments



This ico-term carries two connotations with it.

Keep It Simple Stupid.


Keep It Short and Simple.

This term is normally applied to marketing and engineering type situations but with all the innovation and…


Added by Michael H Sadowski on February 17, 2010 at 8:45am — No Comments

Launching an Edtech Company part 4: standard of content

As we think of the final touches to our simple learning management and communication tool ( we're drawn to the idea in education that these days there exists a basic standard of content on the web. A "standard of content" or SOC, used to be localized to schools and classrooms. It was based on the set of books that a teacher utilized during the school year.

So for example, in my social studies course back in 8th… Continue

Added by Joseph Thibault on January 26, 2010 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Targeting the Right Social Media

Social media is all the buzz... but what is the right mix to meet your targets?

Be it education, consumer, community or commerce, we have all found our way to what is becoming more and more mainstream. Educators are utilizing social networks like Ning to setup school profiles and student projects to communities (… Continue

Added by John Costilla on April 23, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

Collection of Online Business Courses

Here is a quick list of free online business courses.. will add more as I find them.

U.About - Free email business courses

Business Spanish - speak and write business and conversational Spanish

Business week - Courses From Tech to Business

Learn That - Free business tutorials…


Added by Mike Johns on November 11, 2008 at 5:12am — No Comments

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