Teachers are hearing the terms “21st Century Classroom” and “21st Century Learning” a lot during trainings and within resources. Teachers need to understand what these terms mean in order to fully grasp the concepts behind them.
A “21st Century Classroom” and a “21st Century Learner” go together. Learners/students come into our classrooms with more technology skills than ever before. School districts need to…
Added by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 5:00pm —
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by Terry Heick, TeachThought.com
The idea of teaching with video games is an exciting concept leading to a challenging practice.
Right off the bat the topic is a bit polarizing, the whimsical connotation of “games” juxtaposing harshly with the rigorous tones of classical academia. But past that,…
Added by Terrell E. Heick III on January 4, 2013 at 2:14pm —
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As a follow-up to our 9 Characteristics of 21st Century Learning we developed in 2009, we have developed an updated framework, The Inside-Out Learning Model.
The goal of the model is…
Added by Terrell E. Heick III on November 20, 2012 at 3:41pm —
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The Challenge of Modeling 21st Century Learning
A Complimentary White Paper from Atomic Learning
Today's students are different. Today's world is different. The changes suggest a very different role for schools and teachers.
Based on findings by Atomic Learning's partner, SEG Measurement, this free resource discusses the importance of professional…
Added by Amy Schoenrock on August 5, 2011 at 11:38am —
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Location! Location! Location!
What Does Location, Location, Location Mean?
It means identical homes can increase or decrease in value due to location. It's repeated three times for emphasis, and so you will remember the phrase. It's the number one rule in real estate, and it's often the most overlooked rule. The best locations are those in…
Added by Carlos Mendoza III on July 8, 2011 at 4:53pm —
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Click here for link to original blog
After reading many articles and blogs asking the question "where do we go now" in reference to 1:1 Laptop Initiatives and the use of digital resources in the classroom. I have put together some current published research to consider in the cycle of teacher appraisal in 1:1 Laptop Schools. I would welcome comments to improve/adapt/expand any of the information given in this…
Added by Steven David Pearce on December 17, 2010 at 10:30pm —
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This video really challenges me as a teacher:
The video made me realize that current K-12 students live in technology era. Thus, the usage of technology to enhance communication, creativity, collaboration, and media literacy of students are very important for their future careers. In Indonesia, especially in urban areas, children are growing up with technology. Technology are part of their daily lives. Television,…
Added by Stefanus Relmasira on November 1, 2010 at 10:00pm —
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Added by Amanda Kenuam on May 26, 2010 at 10:18am —
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In class today we watched Ken Robinson's "Bring on the Revolution" on
TED in which he calls for a revolution in education. He suggests that we need not reform a broken, outmoded system, but rather we must fundamentally change what we do to/with kids. The metaphor Robinson uses is a shift from an industrial model (factory-like, all kids learn the same things at the same age levels, in preparation for 'university') and move to an agricultural model, where…
Added by Jeff Leppard on May 25, 2010 at 8:01pm —
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video posted on this page on 21st Century Learning suggests requirements that neither make all schools the same, nor require we drop everything we do. But it does suggest a framework for renewal. We need to:
- Use a project/problem based curriculum and experiential learning
- Have students address real world problems
- Nurture and support creativity
- Instill curiosity -- lifelong
- See the arts as…
Added by Jeff Leppard on May 9, 2010 at 8:10pm —
Or, the original
PBS on the Digital Nation:
Muti-tasking is a myth: Evidence abounds in texts such as
Brain Rules. Students who are multi-tasking make…
Added by Jeff Leppard on May 9, 2010 at 7:20pm —
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Response to Alfie Kohn's interview in
Maclean's magazine
Alfie Kohn’s…
Added by Jeff Leppard on May 8, 2010 at 8:38pm —
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Today I was accused of being a 'lazy teacher'. Amused, bemused, I asked why. The response, "I walked past your classroom today and your students were just busy talking to one another and you weren't lecturing them. It looked like you were doing nothing." I felt rather thrilled at the characterization.…
Added by Jeff Leppard on May 8, 2010 at 8:00pm —
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No, I haven't come up with the "theory of everything". I wrote two posts related to this topic, which can be found on my
TechPsych blog:
Added by Lynn Marentette on April 5, 2010 at 11:59am —
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This post is a commentary on the future of Computer Labs as well as a "cry" for your input on what you believe a 21st Century C-Lab should look like. This will also become the first in a series of posts regarding a major transformation both physically and philosophically within our school. We are remodeling our school. I am going to re-purpose and re-structure our lab. I am not 100% confident that I am going in the right direction...this is a bit of a risk. You're input here would be of great…
Added by Nate Krulish on January 26, 2010 at 1:00pm —
Hello all:
My name is Justin Fox, and I am a Mathematics and Computer Science teacher at the Bronx HS of Science in Bronx, NY. I was wondering if I could ask a few questions regarding your experiences teaching students, as well as your students who are 21st century learners that are considered "Millenials" (also known as Generation Y). In particular, I have the following questions:
1) What grade level/age range do you teach?
2) What subject areas do you teach?
Added by Justin on October 14, 2009 at 4:54pm —
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The concept of Technology Literacy became immediately relevant for me last year as I was filling out the 2008-09 ADE Educational Technology Survey required for our district to receive funding under the Title II-D/EETT program. I had to answer the following questions:
Q40: How many 8th grade students in your school/district would be classified as technologically literate according to the following definition:
"Technology literacy is the ability to responsibly use…
Added by David Ligon on September 13, 2009 at 4:30am —
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The following commentary discusses my viewpoint on 21st Century Teaching and Learning, based on responses to a PLN survey conducted by Lucy Gray, Technology Integration Specialist at the University of Chicago, on August 8, 2009.
What is your personal definition of 21st century learning and/or teaching?
21st Century learning is the process whereby digital natives utilize the power of modern technology to learn anything, anytime, anywhere. Classrooms are no longer…
Added by David Ligon on August 9, 2009 at 10:00am —
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I pulled this out of the notes taken by @wfryer regarding T3 (Target Tech in Texas) which is the artist formally know as E2T2 in Texas. Wes provides a great deal of insight and summary information around the grant opportunity.
Read more.…

Added by John Costilla on June 11, 2009 at 6:01am —
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Gone are the days when we waited to read about the latest happenings on
ZDNet, or your other favorite news & search resource. You will tell your children and grandchildren..."remember when we had to wait to read about it online…
Added by John Costilla on June 9, 2009 at 6:36am —
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