Sue Palmer

United States

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About Me
I am a secondary social studies teacher in western New York teaching inclusion and at risk students. I use technology, podcasting and online learning with my students. Recently I have been asked to share my work with other teachers in training as well.

My sites are:

Comment Wall:

  • Sue Palmer

    I am excited about joining this community! I am very much committed to collaboration and sharing the work I do. It is really refreshing to see a group such as this with the same vision. I hope you will take a minute to see our website, give some feedback on it, and hopefully join us! Launched not even a month, we are seeing alot of use by students and teachers already in the content areas covered. We are using Camtasia to create the podcasts in US History and Ancient World History on the site, and have had success with it. Do others have similar experience?
  • Hans Feldmeier

    Hi and welcome from Germany!
  • Larry Ferlazzo

    Thanks for comment. I check your site out...
  • Esther Lojo-Escalante

    Thanks for the welcoming message, and congrats on your site. Good stuff!
  • Daniel Bassill

    Hi Sue, I work with at-risk kids in Chicago, via a non-school, volunteer based tutor/mentor program. I maintain an on-line web library for people who are looking for ideas about volunteer-based programs, or who want to volunteer or donate to some of the different programs in the Chicago region. The web site is . I blog about the issues at http;//
  • Daniel Bassill

    I've actually been mentoring a group in the Rochester area to help them form a tutor/mentor connection strategy. Thus, if you can begin to use your skills to share, or improve, some of the ideas I'm promoting, you can have a direct impact in such a strategy growing in your area.

    I do an email newsletter which I encourage you to subscribe to, via the T/MC web site. This way you'll receive the same information I'm sending to other people in upstate NY.

    It would be great to get geographically focused groups who also focus on the same issues, to begin to connect in places like Maybe by working together you could help such a group form of people I know, and you know, who come from the same area.
  • Bill Gaskins

    Thanks for inviting me to be a part of your PLC. I look forward to learning with you. Bill
  • Nikos Aman

    Thanks for the invitation, i would like to collaborate with you, intereasting stuff. Please visit my blog and comment if you like:

  • Sue Palmer

    Great! Nice content in your blog-- You are in my favorites! I have also just launched a new Ning for podcasters if you are interested. I literally opened it up just minutes ago. It is called iPod Educators and can be found here! I will be posting about it here soon.


  • Art Wolinsky

    Thanks for the friend invite, Sue. I actually started my teaching career with at risk kids back in 1969. (Dating myself there.) That was back in the day before ADD, classifications, and all the paperwork jungle of today's world. That first year was the toughest, most rewarding year of my teaching career. I'm semi-retired now, devoting a lot of volunteer time to keeping kids safe online with My internet safety blog is at and my personal blog is . Stop by and take a look around.
  • Cindy Seibel

    Hi Sue. I saw your reply to Lorna's message about Parents as Partners. I connected with Lorna earlier - I am a master's students working in parent engagement. I'd love to see your resources in my wiki - Parent 2.0 that I've created for the work. It seems a much better and lasting alternative than writing papers!

    Best regards,
  • Meghan Connelly

    Hi Sue. I am really impressed by what you are doing and I am excited to implement some new ideas into my classroom. I thought you might be interested in checking out my site at I am the founder of the site - we are a free current events discussion tool. We try to make it as easy as possible for teachers to use - and students are motivated by the social networking aspect of the site. I look forward to more of your ideas!!
  • Cynthia Medina

    Hi Sue, and thanks for the invite! I just joined ipodeducators and hope to learn lots from it.
  • Remona Estep

    ¡Hola! Glad to be invited to your circle. Only recently have I learned to podcast and after a discussion with Dr. Lowell last eve have a better understanding of RSS and podcasting. I am looking forward to learning more about podcasting and uses for my Spanish classroom.
  • kosh

    I am from Ghana and I'm just here to learn, contribute as well as link up with like-minded people who will be willing to share their experiences as well as help in spreading the concept of distance learning and adult education to Africa, which lags behind as far as education is concerned. My company has developed a television program called 'ADULTS IN EDUCATION' which is used in teaching,especially adults, how to read and write as well as general tips on how to take care of oneself. We also treat social issues as well. Television is still the widest means of disseminating information to the rural folks ere in Ghana
  • Bobby

    Thank you so much......I have signed up for both of the resources you suggested. If you ever want to discuss what mystery maze is exactly on my podcast, let me know.
    Take care....I look forward to checking your site out:)
  • Mark Cruthers

    Hi Sue

    I recommend you take a look at authorstream's web based power point presentation platform. It has a ppt podcast feature that might work for you.

    I also recommend, since you're interested in web tools for learning, to take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom. It has a bunch of features that might work for your students as well.