Daniel Bassill

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection
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About Me
Since 1975 I've led a volunteer-based tutor/mentor program that connects inner city kids with workplace volunteers, in structured, non-school, site-based programs. I now work to make such programs available in all high poverty neighborhoods of Chicago and other big cities. Learn more by reading my blog and visiting my web site.

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  • Mollie McDougall

    Sounds great! I know Janine Kessler who teaches with your nephew. I am leaving town for a few days but I would love to get in touch with you in July about this. I think it would be a great thing for my students as well as yours!
  • Tim Furman

    Hi Daniel--- A thousand apologies for the delay in this response! I've been searching for you over at Educators' PLN, and I just figured out that you were here at Classroom 2.0! I'm taking a look at your organization; thanks for pointing me to it. I'm right here on campus, so I'm very interested in hearing what people have to say at the conference in May. -- Again, sorry about the delay. --Tim
  • George F Bartan

    Hi Daniel,

    I will be happy to share my projects with you and look for new ways to collaborate. I believe that a real change in education will come from the bottom up,through private initiatives and through the direct involvement of individuals (parents,educators) ,associations,foundations  and corporations.

    I have coached in 2011 a team of kids (forth grade) to the FLL robotics competition and I will participate this year also.These days I have contacted the local Goodwill and Salvation Army chapters and offered them some free robotics classes for disadvantaged kids.

    I will take a look at your web site to learn more about your activities.

    Best regards,
