Larry Ferlazzo

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Luther Burbank High School, Sacramento, CA
About Me
I teach English and Social Studies to Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced English Language Learners at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, CA. Well over half of our students are English Language Learners, and we use technology extensively with them, including providing home computers and free DSL service to some. If you'd like to learn more about what we do, you can go to the April issue of the Educator's eZine at and read the article "Samuel L. Jackson, My ESL Students, and Me."

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  • Jack

    Hey Larry,

    Our Brainyflix video contest just ended, and I wanted to thank you for helping us get the word out. We got 800 submissions from across the country!

    That said, MIT was really happy with the results and will let us run another contest, so we're going for it! But this time, we're gonna have kids create Brainypics flashcards - which are images and sentences paired up with a one of our SAT/ACT words. The contest ends May 22nd, and there'll be iTunes and a cash prize like last time. To boot, we'll double the payout if the kids can hit a certain goal. More details at

    Do you mind passing my message along to your HS colleagues again?

  • Donelle

    Just letting you know that plans are being made for follow-up meetings to CR2.0Sac2009. Please respond if you're interested here.
  • Donelle

    Hi! I'm sure Alice already told you, but please fill out her Google Doc regarding setting up future meetings in Sac. It will just take a minute. Thanks for your feedback. :)