Please join us today for the second in a three-part webinar series called PBL~Better with Practice, sponsored by Project Foundry. Today's live event will be offered twice, starting at 2 p.m. PST and again at 5 p.m. PST. Webinar link:
Focus today: Keeping Your Project on the Rails. Expect to hear some great tips and strategies for managing projects from veteran PBL teachers. Join us!

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Thanks to all who took part in live discussion yesterday, and special thanks to our terrific guests--Neil Stephenson, Sue Boudreau, Nichole Kotasek, and Lisa Parisi. We'll have a link to the recording posted soon, along with links from the session.
Next live event is March 11. More great guests ready to share insights about the Project Spiral--how one project leads to more. Hope you can join us!
Suzie, is the link available yet? Thanks!
Hi Sue,
Jane has posted all the links from these sessions on our blog (top right corner):



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