I recently attended a conference where Douglas Reeves touted the utility of an online grading utility called MyAccess . I would like to hear from users who have been able to successfully use this tool to become a more productive teacher through its use.

Tags: Assessment, MyAccess, Writing

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MyAccess is not a system I have heard of but they have a site at http://www.vantagelearning.com/

I've taught online since last century and by necessiaty have developed strategies to help me provide detailed and timely feedback on written assignments. I've prepared a list of available systems at

I have start to market my own addin to Word 2003 or 2007 which you can use to save time when grading papers and marking assignments. Please email me at emarking-assistant@baker-evans.com if you want me to send a brochure and more information or you can look at a screen demonstration.

Best wishes in your teaching and assessment,
Peter Evans



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