Good evening everyone again,

I have another staff member who is looking for a site that would allow students to invest pretend money on real stock market information. Much like the hockey pool request we are hoping to have the site use real time stock info, update the stock info for our students so that they can change investments if needed and be private enough that only the students play.
Hopefully there is something out there for this request as well..
Thanks for your time.

Tags: interactive, market, stock, students

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I used the Virtual Stock Exchange from MarketWatch. I used it with a small class and it seemed to work well. It is possible to join existing games or create your own private games.

There are many games out there, but this on worked for me. You can send you colleague to

I'm not sure if this is free for everybody, but I know that my application fee in NJ was covered by businesses donating to the project. The least you can do is check it out. It worked great when I used it last year for my students.



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