I have been using Google sites with my fifth graders to create ePortfolios. Next year, I am looking to create templates for Grades K-4. Having never worked on ePortfolios with these age groups I am looking for suggestions/tips/existing templates to accomplish this task.


- Smita

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I too have been struggling with doing this as well.  One thing we are exploring the use of google sites as a portfolio. Students create a website that has 6 to 7 pages, one for each class they have and one about them page. The goal is that they will be uploading work to their site under the page (we use google aps for education) as examples of the work they are doing.

We don't really have a template as of yet we just let kids do their own thing with some guidence and giving them a checklist/rubirc to follow of what each site/page needs to include.

The underlying goal is that these pages will follow them through graduation.

Thanks, John. I have been using Sites since we have Google Apps for Education. I create a sample and let the students use that as a basis but they can structure it the way they like. I was thinking of templates for the younger grades.

Thank, Karl, for the information. That is a fantastic resource page for K-12 ePortfolios. 



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