Eno Interactive Whiteboard by PolyVision - Anyone Have One?

Our district is considering purchasing some of these because of the ease of attaching to our current whiteboards that we have.


We have SmartBoards already in the building, but wanted to hear from individuals or districts that have Eno's just to see how they compare to SmartBoards.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated...

Tags: Interactive, Whiteboards

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Hmmm, not seen those before. They look interesting though. A useful solution. How do they compare in price to a smartboard?
Our district has Polyvision iwb, and I wish we had Smartboards. The software that comes with Polyvison is Easiteach. It has some nice features (very good customer support), but can be glitchy and doesn't have as many features as Smart's Notebook software. There are fewer lesson sharing options with Easiteach too. I often find lots of Smart Notebook lessons online, but am not as successful with searches for Easiteach. Most interactive whiteboard websites and wikis have an abundance of Smart resources. Polyvision will probably be competitive in the future as more schools choose this less expensive option, but if I had a choice . . . I'd buy Smart!
Jonathan, They are relatively the same price, but with the magnetic capability, we thought it would be easier to install.

Aimee, Thanks for your thoughts about the Polyvision. I will pass this along to the powers that be.
Ian, there have been many issues in the past of Vendors/representatives not clearly identifying themselves when responding to posts. As such many teachers got frustrated by marketing speak and potentially biased views on product endorsements, etc. As such, please make sure that you honor the integrity of the conversation by stating that your firm Sensible City is the PR firm for clients such as Promethean, Polyvision and others.
Thank you,

Chris Klein
SMART Technologies
Hi - We just tried 4 ENO boards in our K-6 school classrooms after reviewing the SMART boards. We chose to try ENO because they were magnetic, have a lifetime guarantee, can be used as a regular white board with no damage, and the use of the pen connects writing with the interactivity.
We were disappointed in the life of the batteries on the pens and the cost of each pen if you wanted to add up to 3 children writing at a time on the board. We were trained in RM Easiteach and the training was less about lesson plans and more about the buttons. I too was disappointed in the lack of lessons and sharing of lessons available from RM. It looked like more work for our teachers to figure out how to build activities in RM Easiteach than I would have preferred.
- Lisa
We have one of the model 6210 Eno boards and love it. The pens do use up battery power faster than Panaboard pens but this is the only electricity that the board uses. It works with all DET software and is easy to install, configure and use. We are currently looking at purchasing more.
Dear John,

Since I do not sell or represent any interactive whiteboard manufacturer, I can speak without bias.

Each iWhiteboard has two main parts. The hardware: Board Technology / Pens / Projector, and the Operational Software.

Of these two, the software is more important than the actual "stuff" nailed to the wall. Smart Technologies has a significant advantage in software, support and in "community development". Their software product and community, encourages teachers to share their lesson plans and techniques.

RM Education's "EasiTeah" software is widely marketed to other iWhiteboard manufacturers and distributors. It provides a suitable packaged operational program but fails to provide the community network that Smart has established.

So....overall Smart provides a more complete educational solution than any other iBoard product.

I am not implying that other boards do not have their worth in the market. The Polyvision product is prcatically indestructable. The Smart board can be damaged more easily. Further, Smart has a limited number of distributors that support the market.
This limits price competetion. Every company has the right to organize their business and every method of distribution has its positive and negative values.

The answer to your question depends upon your needs in your school or district. The value that you place on those needs will determine which system you should purchase.

Once again, I have no financial interest in any of these companies.

Sorry to all for the spelling errors.....Do I lose credit?



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