Think reflectively about the teaching slice that you created and presented in class. To that end, write a blog (250-300 words approx.) that responds to the following key questions:


What aspects of the lesson went well? Which aspects did not go so well? What do you think the students took away from this lesson? Are there any unanticipated consequences? How did the students interact with each other and with you? Were the objectives of the lesson achieved? What did the class and individual students learn today? Where should the lesson begin for the following class? Are there other ways to teach or re-teach this lesson or some part of it?


Watch out! In order to earn full credit for this blog, you must also leave at least two comments (50-100 words each) on your peers’ posts. Please take the time to read what they wrote – you’ll find that you often have similar reactions to the teaching experience, and can help one another a great deal through this first semester!


For personal blog: Thursday, March 22, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

For two comments: Thursday, March 29, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Views: 429

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I loved your presentation and it was very interesting to have two presentations about the same topic in two different languages. You add to your lesson a point that we missed in our presentation, how to order food in the TL. The lesson was clear and the uses of imagines appropriate for the goal.The students were all engaged during the lesson and activities(61).

My micro teaching, was definitely interesting since it was about food. Teaching wise, the purpose of the micro teaching was to teach students new vocabulary. My group decided to teach students the name of some foods and entrees. Furthermore, the mini lesson contained a notion of culture since it is a tradition to serve lunch or dinner in a series of different plates. The group showed a video of a couple ordering in a restaurant to illustrate to the students how easy it is to use the newly acquired words in a context. In addition, the group explained to the class the importance of the family lunch on Sunday which integrates to the cultural part of the lesson. The students were involved and doing their best to remember the name of each entrée. The presenting group wanted to use more oral activities rather than just giving out worksheets to engage as much students as they could, to make sure that nobody is falling behind, and that students understood the topic. The only thing that the group needs to work on a little bit more is the timing. Unfortunately, the group went over the time limit and left one activity out. The professor was so kind though  to let the group give a brief idea of what it was about. Also, the group should have taken couple of minutes to setup prior to teaching to allow enough time. (237)

Hi Mary,

Your presentation was indeed fascinating. The students in the classroom have the opportunity to learn about the different food they can order when going into some Italian restaurants. The most entertaining part was the video. It had the attention of all the students, and the pauses you made to explain what was going on was extremely helpful.

             Margarita and I enjoyed our teaching lesson. The lesson was about the present progressive in Spanish of some verbs ending in –ar and -er . An excerpt of the movie Coco was employed in order to teach the conjugation of these verbs and also to show some Mexican culture and traditions.

            The presentation part begun with the power point introducing the objective of the lesson: El objetivo: El presente progresivo: estar + -ando/-iendo de verbos que terminan en  -ar y -er (The objective: The present progressive: To be + ing verb forms).

            After that, several images showing  different actions appeared on the screen. The students were then asked what actions the figures were performing. Next, the right present progressive was shown. That sequence constituted the small hook part of the lesson. Then, the vocabulary part came. It consisted of two groups: the -ar verb images and the -er verb images. First, just the images were shown and the students were asked to figure out what the images were performing. After that, the text part came: the infinitive form of those verbs. The communicative approach was used first, leaving the grammar explanation for the last. Next, a brief example of a present progressive sentences appeared on the screen.  (cantar) Rosa está cantando en la clase ((to sing) Rosa is singing in the class). At that moment, Margarita distributed handouts with five fill-in-the-blank sentences.

            Then, a video clip of the famous movie Coco was played and Margarita distributed a second round of handouts consisting of exercises about some actions of the video and their respective conjugations for the present progressive. Here the cultural approach was used by showing some aspects of  the Mexican traditions such as el Día de los Muertos ( Day of the Dead), Mexican music and customs. A brief and detailed grammar part of the construction of the present progressive was explained at the end. The group tried use the communicative and cultural approach mostly and avoid translating in English as much as possible.

            However, the group made some mistakes: (1) No indication of the level of the targeted class: Spanish 2. (2) No pointing out the different variance of the words, for example: brincar (to jump), means also saltar, as beber (to drink) is also said, tomar. (3) No timing management: The group exceeded the limit of the ten-minute limit. (4) Lack of a pragmatic structure: Need of  a dialogue to know in what social context the lesson is based in order to better comprehend the meaning of the vocabulary. (5) The need of visual aids with grammar significance.

            This is just the beginning of an exciting journey on the teaching field. Mistakes form part of the natural process of teaching, which eventually, with time and experience, will be fixed.

(462 words)

Oscar, I love the strategy that you and Margarita implemented in your mine-lesson. Both of you were able to follow one of the strategy of Land V. Also, the mini-lesson had some of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Students were engaging during the presentation. Both of you were able to transmit the message of the lesson. the video and the material provided was appropriate to the second language learners. Excellent Job!!

When teaching about grammar, as an educator one must focus on challenging the students. The answers should not be given right away, but instead communicating with the students. This method will help both the instructor and the pupils. They each will have the opportunity to see and understand the teaching methods that the teacher prefers to use as well as the learning methods of the students.
The primary goal of the lesson was to teach about grammar, to be more specific they were informed about the present progressive. They were first given an example of what the present progressive is, and there were also given pictures for them to have an idea of what is being said. Some of the students followed along. However, there were some challenges as well. For the low novice students, it seemed that it was a bit difficult to understand since they were not introduced to the proper way of conjugating the verbs. While some students appreciate the challenged others seemed upset for not being able to understand, however in Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen, it seemed that this method works as well. When teaching a class, there is a lot of material that one will wish to cover, however, something that all instructors must work on, is time management. There will be times when one will not have the opportunity to finish, and that is fine.
The students were able to learn about the conjugations of the present progressive; this is important because when going around into their communities they will have the opportunity to express their feelings and the type of activities that they are doing now. There are many ways that this kind of lesson can be taught. Instead of demonstrating examples with images, the instructors can do physical activities where the students could be interacting both with their peers and the teacher.



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