Does your school have a central repository of lessons? This is not only a collaboration issue but also an issue of the school retaining the schools knowledge base when the large forecast of retirements leave.
Some schools I see each teacher with their own web site (silo) yet few seem to be looking into one another's lessons and collaborating on them. Here we have teacher room collaboration.
Example: Central collaboration of lessons also helps two history teachers in two different school build on one another experiences. It saves time in lesson development.
Some will do this on Moodle. Are there other applications people are using? I would not consider placing lessons in the teachers blog or private web page as real collaboration.
Would love to hear what people are doing. These are two examples of the strategies from an international and school district point of view from the
Global Learning Framework'
This is the traditional one to many silo method of one-to-many eLearning.
This collaboration between schools and community
This would be collaboration internationally
This is for a book I am developing.
Tags: Collaboration, Framework, Global, Learning, lessons
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