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Hello from coastal Connecticut. I'm a former tech coordinator and teacher trainer but now teach 3rd grade. Needed to get some classroom experience under my belt to make the jump to admin. As a matter of fact, I'm looking for a position in administration as I type this.

Happy Summer!
Hello everybody. My name is Linda Barta. I teach 3rd grade in Lynwood, CA (just outside of LA). I'm thrilled to be here. Looking forward to collaborating with other forward thinking educators. Very happy to be here!
Hi everyone!
My name is Jessica and this fall I will be a junior at Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI. I am majoring in elementary education with a minor in English. I can't wait to become a teacher =) During the school year I work at a before and afterschool program at an elementary school. During the summer I nanny for 3 kids; ages 3,7, and 10. I made a classroom2.0 back in spring for my technology in education class, but haven't really had a chance to do much on here so I am looking forward to meeting new people and learning new things.

Hi Everyone,
Ann Darling, H.S. Art and Multimedia teacher from Sidney, Nebraska. I'm looking forward to learning more and challenging my students.
Hello, my name is Alicia. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at present, but am very excited about the opportunities this application can provide. I am the curriculum coordinator at a rural North Carolina middle school. I've only been here a bit over 3 years and spent the prior 13 years in Arizona. Education is different across the state and across the country....looking forward to checking out the differences and similarities around the world!
Hi. I'm Laura from Illinois. I teach elementary art in Chicago suburbs. Taking a class on technology and just found out about this forum. Thanks, Meg!
Greetings and salutations... I'm Jason O'Quinn from the southern suburbs of Denver, Colorado. I teach 7th grade Language Arts & Geography. I actually got introduced to this Ning in a Web 2.0 for Teachers class. I've barely stuck my toe in the water here, but I'm excited by all the resources and collaboration available!
I'm Vee and I am in Cary North Carolina, just west of Raleigh. I've taught 7th grade Lang. Arts for almost 10 years and am, like someone below just 'dipping in my toe' but hoping to be kept from drowning as I want to jump farther into the waters of 2.0. I have classes of 32 but virtually no computers to speak of, so I want to to hear how you incorporate blogs, wikis, etc. into your days.
Hi all, this is Sunil from London, UK. This seems to be very lively and active forum and I look forward to meeting some or many of you either virtually or in person. My background includes a bit of elearning, content development, School Management and Administration Systems, Online Examinations systems, College Portals, etc.. I am a relative newbie to this and I hope to learn a lot from this forum.. Keep up the good work folks....

This may be a bit Web 1.0, rather than 2.0; however, I am excited to share something that does work amazingly well re: integrating technology into the language-based classroom. I also like the fact that it's a "green" thing and saves on my paper budget.

Iused the Microsoft Word "Replace" function to program in eighty or so canned responses with a quick teaching tool to place in bubble comments on students' word processing docs. Students really read these comments, as they have to respond/revise accordingly. Of course, I also add on personalized comments. But this is a time-saver and effective. See what you think!
Thank you Mark for sharing this. It is wonderful when we find things that work, using no matter what tools. Validation is such an important skill for students or any of us to use and the existence of auto correct makes us all lazy.
I'm Wendy Randall. I am a primary school teacher in Brisbane, Australia. I teach a year 4/5 class and we have just started blogging this year and are learning how to use the Web2.0 tools together. We have a number of teachers in our school who are involved in blogging and using Web2.0 tools with their students. I am looking forward to learning a lot more.



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