
I just thought I would share the fantastic success I have been having with blogging. ‘A Bunch of Interesting stuff’ (http://mrbarlow.wordpress.com/) is my constantly updated blog featuring a series of interesting articles about real, rich and relevant science information.

Interestingly, this site has never formed part of student assessment. Students are informed about the site but they are never ‘forced’ to go to it in the hunt for marks. ‘A Bunch of Interesting Stuff’ is an attempt to intrinsically motivate students to learn about science.

I have found that students:
Increased engagement in their learning.
Became intrinsically motivated to learn.
Increased their use of ICT.
Extended their learning and thinking beyond the base curriculum.
Shared their learning journey with others.
and enjoy their learning more.

as a result of the blog. Probably old news to most of the ICT savvy members here, but I just thought some people might find some motivation from or like to direct their students to:


Tags: Blogging, Science

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Great blog site. Certainly not static!



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