Looking for an inspirational online video about teaching

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a relatively brief (no more than 7-8 minutes, could be shorter)
video that is online. I want to use it to inspire a group of solid, experienced,
dedicated teachers about their work with kids. It should focus on teaching in general
- no particular grade level or subject, no particular emphasis on the future, or
economic competitiveness, or technology. It certainly should have emotional impact
and provoke positive impulses (not anger or disappointment)- although it can surely
be funny.
Any ideas?
This is for a teacher professional development project I'm working on.
Thanks very much.
Jim Lerman
Kean University

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Hi Jim. I'm not sure if you've yet viewed Sir Ken Robinson's talk Do Schools Kill Creativity? It may be too preachy, but I think it is very inspiring. Have a look:

Thank you Andrew
Thank you Kelley
Here is a good one about reaching today's students:

Thank you Jarod
Here is one I put together, based on some fundamental views about special ed. For professional development, my own area.


Thank you DD
The clip I most often use with teachers is "Shake it Up" at Teacher Tube http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=8416a242f40fb7d7f338 ....It's only 2 1/2 min.
Thank you CC
Thank you Jeff.



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