Parents involved in School Councils
On Monday April 7th, 2008 at 8:00 pm EST,(GMT-5) “Parents as Partners” online at welcomes Aimee Gerdevich, Chair of the Ontario Provincial Parent Board and Rick McAllister, Chair of the Niagara Catholic Regional School Council and parent member of the Provincial Parent Board
The topic of the evening will be "what do you think the role of parents is in supporting their child's education? How do school council, parent involvement committees and the Ontario Provincial Board involve parents in the education system.?
Edtechtalk webcasts provide a chat function so that listeners can submit their questions and comments to the presenters as well as listening online. Find out how you can be involved. Please visit for background Information. Mark your calendar and please join us in the chat room at You are welcome to post your questions here or in the chat room.
I am looking for additional support for participation in a Live webcast on Saturday April 12th at 12:45 PM EST (GMT-5) at I will be presenting at the "Student Learning a Parent Focus" parent workshop. Pre-registration is requested. You can register now and come back on Saturday April 12th to join in the chat room.
The parent workshop is part of the Niagara Catholic District School Board's annual school council convention. The complete "Student Learning a Parent Focus" program is accessible through the sign up page. This program is focused on how to improve the dynamics in the school system and overcome barriers to participation.
And last but not least, Steve Haragdon will be a guest on
Parents as Partners on Monday April 14th, 2008 9:00 PM EST (GMT-5) How to use WEb 2.0 tools to connect parents to the classroom.