Rich White's Comments

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At 11:17pm on August 13, 2007, Aaron Grimm said…
Rich, thanks a lot. You and I have a lot to discuss. Currently, I work at an online, project based school in Minnesota (EdVisions Off Campus). I am interested in getting our students to collaborate with other students, and think the 3D environment will do wonders. SL is cool, but isn't going to be the best fit for this collaboration. Thanks for the invite.
At 7:55am on August 12, 2007, Cyndi Danner-Kuhn said…
Sorry I have been a little slow to respond. Summer has me hopping. Started a new job as Director of the Technology Learning Commons and WoW is there a ton to do to get this new program off the ground. Exciting, but feel like I am going in 12 directions. Looking forward to more discussions.
At 8:41pm on August 9, 2007, Cindy Clark said…
Hey, great work you're doing here!
At 10:06am on August 9, 2007, Russ Wilcox said…
Hey Rich...was surprised you weren't the first to comment!
At 3:34am on July 31, 2007, SusanTsairi said…
Thanks Rich, I'll take a look.
At 6:45pm on July 30, 2007, Rich White said…
Hi Susan ... actually squeak wouldn't really be necessary --- Croquet comes with several functional worlds .. here are good videos to get started with:
At 4:13pm on July 30, 2007, SusanTsairi said…
Should I learn squeak before starting with croquet?
At 10:09am on July 30, 2007, wallowamichael said…
Nice to meet you. I hope to explore your achievements to try and get something like this going for my districts.
I've started work on a MySpace replacement for the students, but development is slower than I'd like.
Hope you're having a productive summer.
At 8:05am on July 30, 2007, Rich White said…
Hi Kevin .... BTW we emailed you about the green screen app. you were using with students several months ago the kids are doing some neat stuff with it !..... one of these days I hope we get to formally meet ! Croquet is a very cool tool .. however its documentation is pretty awful *LOL* ... we are _slowly_ learning its capabilities.... BTW .. love your old time radio mod.!
At 5:25am on July 30, 2007, Kevin said…
Croquet looks very cool.
At 5:21am on July 30, 2007, Kevin said…
Hello Rich. I love what you're doing with SL. You guys are really in the game!
At 11:30pm on July 29, 2007, SusanTsairi said…
Hi Rich, croquet looks so interesting! What about setting up? easy enough for an amateur? or would I need a lot of tech knowledge?
At 3:18pm on July 29, 2007, amywag said…
Yes, I am familiar with Greenbush (Southeast Kansas). Your bunch has been doing some amazing things with ESL support for teachers, coordinators, school, districts, and more. The podcasts have been extremely helpful! I am the new ESL coordinator for our district and teach ESL certiification classes with Newman U. Basically, the ESL coordinator is a "new" position, as our district has reached the next point in growth with ELL students.

I am not familiar with things that are going on at the tech end at Greenbush. Truthfully, I feel like I have stepped onto another planet this summer. Our school got a Tech Rich Classrooms grant last spring (along with our partner school, Riley Elementary in Great Bend). As the TRC "facilitator," I have been going to conferences and taking classes all summer. I had no idea just how tech savvy so many districts and teachers were in education! Boy, do I need to get things fired up on the homefront. Luckily, I have some "tech hungry" teachers at SHE (my home school). I could use advice on how to pace all this (on top of everything else they have to do). My sense is to simply put it out there, such as project samples, student work, little plugs now and then about something really cool, and INVITE. My real focus though will be the four TRC teachers. The rest will have to fall into place in due time.

Croquet, Secondlife -- you are speaking some new lingo for me. I will need some time to scope it all out. Right now, I have to get busy with my INTEL Essentials Course module assignments. Nice to meet you.

At 9:51am on July 29, 2007, Hans Feldmeier said…
Hi, welcome to Classroom 2.0!
I would love if you decide to join my group DigiSkills (about digital teaching methods) as well! The biggest group on C2.0.
Greetings from Germany


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