I’m still undecided on which blogging platform I’m going to settle on. I like Blogger’s ease of use but got frustrated with the lack of tools that would allow me to turn it into a central location where I could gather all the web 2.0 resources I can use. I like WordPress but I don’t find it as easy to use as Blogger. I’ve messed around with a lot of different platforms, but it seems that they are all missing something.

I’m doing most of my blogging on the Athabasca University ELGG platform called Me2U. I find the tools there cumbersome, but versatile. I like the idea of using Edublogs because it ties me into a educational community. Now, I think I will try Classroom 2.0. Decisions, decisions, desicions!

Views: 33

Tags: blogging

Comment by Sue Waters on January 29, 2009 at 5:09pm
My advice to bloggers is to go with a blog that uses Wordpress. While blogger in the short term is a bit easier in the long term you can do considerable more with a blog that use Wordpress. For example features like being able to easily add pages, email notifications that include email addresses of comments etc make it better. Disclosure - I am employed by Edublogs.

In terms of manuals to help you - you will find a range of different manuals and videos here on How to use Edublogs - which uses Wordpess MU. They will help you with whatever Wordpress site you decided to use whether it be Wordpress.com, Edublogs, or self hosted Wordpress - however at the moment we have not upgraded to Wordpress 2.7 yet. These manuals will be upgraded when that happens.


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