Feed for All Forum Discussions and Replies

If you want to track every forum discussion and all the comments that are posted on Classroom 2.0, you can use this URL:



If you need help understanding how to use a feed reader, you can watch this video.

(I'm still trying to figure out how to do the same thing for all the comments on blog posts.)

Views: 58

Comment by LindaH on July 6, 2007 at 11:00am
Excellent :-) Thanks for this my NetNewsWire will be even busier!
Comment by Ron Siers on July 26, 2007 at 6:37pm
Thanks for the info Steve.
Comment by OPEN GIGA on August 26, 2007 at 10:57pm
Comment by Simon Brown on September 16, 2007 at 1:29am
Steve, I've made a read feeder, no a feeder reader... you know, so I can get updates and things on my own network homepage. I copied the RSS link of my friends' networks' latest activities into my main page.

Could you enable this site's Latest Activity widget? I greatly appreciate being notified of every activity, not just individual postings, from this terrific network.
Comment by samccoy on October 30, 2007 at 9:24am
Thanks for this info. I seem to have caught on to the use of rss feeds, but I was wondering, "What is the best method to keep stats on CR2.0?" I am using a few widgets, but they don't seem to capture comments. Is that because comments appear from another members profile? I need to be sent to some reference URL or FAQ or XYZ....LOL
I just need some guidance, because I get comments, make comments, but the widgets and feed burner say nothing is happening? What to use on .ning?
Thanks in advance,
Comment by Simon Brown on October 31, 2007 at 5:34am
sammcoy: I was notified of your posting by email which linked me back here when I clicked on the link published in the email. I chose this method by clicking on the button "Follow – Email me when people reply" below this post.

I too, use widgets to receive RSS feeds. I right click on the RSS icon and choose "copy link location" then paste in the widget.

Just in case you were wondering - "skytrystsjoy" is me wot's requested to follow your Twitterings!


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