Elementary Tech Teachers SMARTBoard Tech Lessons?

Elementary Technology Teachers teach how-to.... and integrate technologies. We must spend time teaching how to use software and hardware so that students can apply tech skills in other areas. In our struggle of encouraging everyone to integrate SMARTBoards and other IWBs, I find that we do not have many of the tech How-To... lessons for the IWBs. SmartBoard and Promethean lessons for curriculum topics are springing up all over, but we still cannot ignore the basic technology knowledge needs. Heidi posted an example that many of us can use on computers- thank you.

I have invited other tech teachers in my district for some old fashioned "make and take" sessions to create and share Technology How-To... lessons with new SMART Notebook version 10 tools and the interactive toolkit. Kind of like a Treat-Trade at holiday time but we will Trade-some-Tricks on SMART Notebook 10.

Are there any specific topics that you would suggest or share?

Views: 142

Tags: computer, elementary, iboards, lab, pre-k, smartboard

Comment by Obe Hostetter on October 28, 2008 at 3:27pm
Here are 3 excellent resources for finding training files on Notebook 10, games, resources, Notebook files to download, and a community of users from around the world:

1. SMART Board Revolution Ning at http://smartboardrevolution.ning.com/

2. Teacher love SMART Boards at http://www.smartboards.typepad.com/

3. SMARTBoard Lessons Podcast at http://pdtogo.com/smart/


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