So it's been well over a year that I've been on this network and my life has changed dramatically in that time. In fact, as a launching point, I should give CR2.0 the full credit it deserves.

I know that the network catches grief about how the conversations here never change, and as I come back and look again at some of them, I think I may tend to agree. But that's ok!! I've been launched into another, different world that seems to fit me, but there are more and more teachers coming aboard the tech-learning train.

If you want to see me where I live, come visit me and consider following along!

And I'm going to NECC, so will see you there! (you'll know where I am by the tweet that I sing...)

Views: 47

Tags: coming_home, necc, twitter

Comment by Missi on May 13, 2008 at 9:14pm
lol. great positive attitude. I, too, am a better educator because of this Ning...and all of you.


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